In Each of Our Hearts

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Greetings! The final episode one is already here! Season 2 will be published after next week cause I'll download the episodes for that season! I hope you'll understand all! Enjoy!

The scene started to All Might now facing Shigaraki and Kurogiri after sending the Nomu away from the USJ from his final attack.

"Now, villains... I'm sure we'd all like to end this as soon as possible." All Might said. Shigaraki on the other hand trembled and shakes his forearms.

"Weaker? No way. We've been completely overwhelmed. I can't believe he did that to my Nomu... Did he use a cheat?" Shigaraki asked.

"Stop whining and accept your defeat, villain!" Seryu yelled.

"That damn punch is one hell of a kind." Budou said.

"Without the support of any imperial arms or something. That's All Might for you!" Wave exclaimed.

"I'm getting jealous right now. I wanna learn more about All Might's daily routine." Bulat said.

"Now, now. You'll be able to see it once we'll see the aftermath of this one." Asta said.

The scene shifted to the mountain Zone where the other villains are now surrounding Momo and Jiro.

"Hands up. No Quirks allowed. If you use your Quirks, I'll kill this guy." The villain said while grabbing Denki on him.

"Kaminari!" Momo yelled.

"He got us. We let our guard down completely. An ambush after they made us think we got all of them. I can't believe we didn't predict this." Jiro said.

"Well, that's what villains do, doing a tricky but a coward move to win the game." Zank said.

"But those bastards won't last long!" Kurome said.

"What do you mean, Kurome?" Akame asked.

"If you are a protagonist of this show, and you see this kind of situation, you should know already what will happen next." Kurome replied.

"I think I got it." Akame uttered.

"I don't wanna kill someone who's an electric-type, like me, but I guess I have to, huh?" The villain said while showing his Quirk to the girls.

"An electric type... He was probably the one Todoroki said was jamming connections." Momo said while she and Jiro raised their hands up.

"I'm going over there. Don't move a muscle." The villain said while moving away. Jiro looked into something and now has a plan on her head.

"Electric-types like you and Kaminari are born winners, right?" Jiro asked.

"Huh?" The villain asked.

"What are you-- I mean, even if you aren't a hero, there are a ton of jobs you could do. You're in great demand, right? It's just an innocent thought." Jiro said while moving her earlobes behind her and Momo notices it.

"What is she up to?" Run asked.

"She'll fail. Definitely." Mine said.

"How can you say that, Mine?" Shelee asked.

"I can feel it in my veins, the way she acts is so careless." Mine said.

"I'm just wondering, why is someone like you a villain?" Jiro asked.

'I see. Jiro can attack without moving as long as she gets her plug in.' Momo thought.

"It's fine if you don't want to answer." Jiro said as she nearly plugs her earlobes in her boots.

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