New Morning

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     Warning:{ bad language and nudity}

         The next morning Holly and Danny were headed downstairs for coffee, but just in that moment I didn't want coffee after finding my brother and my best friend nude on my couch together, from within the sight of what Danny saw he began to feel sick,
Steve hurried to cover both himself and Lilliana but it was to late the only words he could say was, "Oh fuck my little sister just saw me screwing around with her friend."
   Darting back up the stairs Danny tried to grabbed me as I look for a reason to die, oh yeah I have one my brother was just messing around on my couch with my best friend. I was so freaked out I didn't see that Danny had followed me into the bedroom and close the door behind him, as I turned he was so close I had a panic attack and passed out hitting my head on the table next to the bed.
    Soon I heard a faint voice saying, "she's awake!" I woke up to a room with weird stuff, Steve had stopped me from pulling the I.V. out of my arm Danny looked pissed off at Steve and Lilliana.
I'm so confused, "What the hell happen to me?"  Steve smiled at Lilliana, Danny balled his fist at his sides and then said, "Steve we need to talk NOW."
So as the two talked in the hall I started to Chat with Lilliana, " So you really don't remember what happened?" I was sure I nodded to her in a tired motion.
      Steve came back in and sat down, he looked disappointed thats when Danny nudge him and he began to talk, "Holly you really don't remember what happened?" I looked at him and then replied, "well kinda."
     His eye's grew wide then he replied,"damnit, well what do you remember?" I looked into his wide blank eye's, until he gave me the you have to talk look so I took a deep breath and studdered to let out my words but I managed,"I saw you to without your clothes bare and everything on the couch doing things."
Steve didn't talk to me for a long time, when we got home I went to sit by the ocean Danny had come down to sit with me, " hey! mind if I join you?"
    I let out a small giggle and patted the sand next to me, Danny sat in the sand next to were I sat all he could do was look at me then softly he kissed me until he heard Steve coming that when we started to act like we were just looking at th ocean.
     " I saw what you two were doing." Steve said as he sat next to Danny and winked as I sat on the other side of Danny holding my breathe then taking Danny's hand and whispering, "Steve we're sorry."
He just looked at me and said, " forget about it, its nice to see you having some fun! anyway shouldn't you be in bed though?"
      That was a great question sense he is the boss of me only because i'm nineteen and he's twenty-one,
I smiled and gave Danny a kiss and headed up to bed.
           While the guys drank beer on the beach. On my way to bed I ran into Lilliana, "oh hey Lil!"
Lilliana smiled and replied back, "yo what up? off to bed? Lol!" We laughed for five minutes and then hugged each other and said, "good night."
       After twenty minutes of being in bed Danny came in and wrapped his arms around me and then looked down at me and kissed me again then turned the T.V. on and I slowly began to fall asleep next to him.
Poor Steve went to his own bed room this time mostly because he was drunk as hell and Lilliana was already asleep and had locked her door.

Note: Sorry I'm trying to write better but I'm really not that good, chapters are short on purpose but the next chapter Steve and Lilliana get caught by the wrong person stay tuned to fined out who!!!! ; )

P.S.~ I tried to fix the errors that I saw message me if there's more and it bothers you that much like I said I'm new to this writting thing!

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