Back to being a Navy Seal

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Warning: Contains adult language & actions (Parts that may be uncomfortable for some to handle)

     The next morning Danny and I dropped our kids off to school and because Kona didn't have pre-school today we took her to Chin's after he offered to watch her while we went to work.When I walked into work Steve was asking to speak to me alone in this office but everyone stood outside the office door looking in at us so Steve and I drove his truck to the beach and thats when he said,"Joe needs us again." I took a breath then quickly replied,"Oh good I thought you were gonna say he got her pregnet!" Steve shook his head at me the yelled,:Now why?...Nevermind..."

Then he looked at me from acrossed the table,"So are you upset?" I took a good look at my kaikanina nui then thats when things started to flash before my eye's of my graduation day the day I married Danny and had his three beautiful children it al...

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Then he looked at me from acrossed the table,"So are you upset?" I took a good look at my kaikanina nui then thats when things started to flash before my eye's of my graduation day the day I married Danny and had his three beautiful children it all flowed through my head like a lost sea, then I was snapped back to earth when I heard,"Holly?" Steve was yelling my name,"Oh um... I don't know because of the kids and Danny....Steve?..." I replied back to him in a whisper voice,"We probably don't have a choice....Right?" I also asked him in the process Steve gave a low sigh then looked out into the ocean but replied softly,"No, probably not kaikua'ana." I frowned then replied,"Okay I'll tell danny tonight then."
  That night when I got home I sat down with Danny and told him the navy needed Steve and I again and that he would have to take care of the children for five or six months, but he just got up and walked down to the beach,"Danny?...Please? I know this will be hard but Lilliana has to go through it to." I said to him gently Danny made a long sigh like when he's stuck with Steve at the store but then he whispered,"Thats not why i'm upset." I was confused but I just nodded and then said,"How about we go get some sleep, yeah?" We walked back inside and fall asleep at two o'clock then at three-thirty I was woken up to Danny tossing and turning then what sounded like a scream as he sat up water droplets fell from his eye's, I wrapped my arms around him to try and calm him down and then whispered,"Hey, Danny its okay!?..." He cried for a good twenty minutes then layed back don to stair at the celing, I heard Kona crying so I got up to go get her so her daddy could hold her and calm himself while I checked on Kowa and Alona they were both asleep still.
     When I walked back to my bedroom Danny was gone But I found him pretty fast he was putting Kona back to bed,"Awe!" I whispered as he turned and walked to me, Danny called Steve and it seemed they both had a nightmare of someone taking their kids and Danny had another one he would tell me or even talk about  when I was around. Lilliana and I talked at work as did Steve and Danny. Lilliana said,"After she got Steve to calm down her and Steve pulled an all-nighter!" I smiled a bit then commented back,"Good for you but um... Gross?" Lilliana yelled back,"It was fucking amazing!" I just walked away, Danny had stopped talking as I passed them I just contunied walking to the breakroom.
   Danny and Steve stayed late to finish up a case on the guy who killed mine and Steve's father, Steve didn't want to talk about it butthey finished it, later that night when they got home there was a tsunami warning Steve, Lilliana, their kids, Eddie and their cats all came over to wait it out at my house together. Kalo and Kowa kept crashing toy cars into the guys shoes, while Alona ran up stairs to get a book Danny had bought her then she sat in between Danny and Steve then fell asleep, the power went out and the other kids started to freak out thats when Jerry, Adam, Kono, Jr, Tani and Lou decided to show up. When the storm warning was over all the kids were passed out like zombies, Danny and I put our kids to bed, while Steve and Lilliana got their kids and animals then headed home then Danny and I could finallylay in bed and talk for a few hours,"Hey...I'm glad we're okay!" I whispered to him as he replied back fast with body language, I felt his body weight on me then heard him whisper,"Yeah! Me too." I smiled kissing him then giving him a little push,"Night love!" He replied back sad faced,"Yup, goodnight dear, love you."
         I woke up the next morning nd called Lilliana to see if her and Steve wanted to go to dinner, she agreed and I quickly got dinner reservations for a place Steve and I use to go to in high school just to talk, Danny seemed upset with me still about last nightbecause he would talk to Lilliana but he wouldn't talk to me at all so I made up and excuse to go to the lady's room and I was in there for two hours sitting on the sink counter upset then Lilliana came in,"Holly are you in here?" I heard her ask I stayed quite then whispered,"No,i'm not." She laughed,"What's up?" So I told Lilliana how Dannny took the news of me going back to help the navy with Steve and about what he did yesterday night.
   She looked at me then said,"I'll check in on him and the kids while your gone, and next time your alone with him don't even tell him just go for it!" I smiled and hugged her and th rest of our dinner date night went good, that night I took her advice Adam and Kono had our children, when I got out of the shower and was in my shorts and tank top, Danny was over buy the bay window in his jeans looking out at the ocean as the moon hit it, so I walked up behind him and pu my arms under his and placed my head on his shoulder and hugged him frm behind, he grabbed my hand and well I guess we both got what we wanted.
   It had now been two weeks sense I told Danny about going back to the navy and when I woke up the day I had to leave and Danny was gone.

So I lefted a note for him, once I was in Steve truck I turned to look out the window as I cried all the way to the USS Arina, at some point Steve caught me looking at him,"Whats the matter with you?" He said in a worry,"Its nothing Steve, i'm fine

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So I lefted a note for him, once I was in Steve truck I turned to look out the window as I cried all the way to the USS Arina, at some point Steve caught me looking at him,"Whats the matter with you?" He said in a worry,"Its nothing Steve, i'm fine." He knew I was lying, when I got on the USS Arina I tried to call Danny but he wouldn't answer, I became angry when Steve walked in he caught my phone as it flew through the air,"Trying to get to Danno?" I let out a loud cry they yelled,"I'll jump off this damn boat if I need to Steve." Evenually four months went past, Lilliana would call to tell me Danny and the kids were doing okay but in those four months Danny never called or answered even on the kids birthday's or on holiday's I started to become depressed and then five months past and we got to get off that damn war ship and go home, I was in such a mood because not only was I depressed but I was also very angry.
    When we arrived at my house I stepped out of the truck and saw my three children all playing together and to think I missed Knoa's fifth birthdsy and the twins eleventh and many holiday's with them, my legs didn't know where to go or how to move I fell and I cried. Steve came over and picked me up and brought me inside to change and lay down in bed but when I woke up Danny was laying next to me,"Hey there!" He whispered trying not to be to loud, I was so mad I got up ran past Steve who was outside with is wahine and na keiki, thats when I keep running I ran all the way into town. I walked back home, then Danny grabbed me again,"HI?...Can we talk for a second please?" I gave a loud sigh then whispered,"Fine, why didn't you call?" He told me and I snapped back,"I am so depressed you don't even understand it Daniel." He gave a sigh leaning over and kissing me then replied,"I'm sorry its my fault, also you look tired you should try and get some sleep." I nodded in agreement and four minutes later I was passed out.

Note: This chapter sucks in my opinion and is confusing.... But let me know what you think please!

Kaikaina nui-Big brother
Kaikua'ana- Sister
Na keiki- Kids
Wahine- Wife

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