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Warning: (language and inappropriate content)
       I woke up in pain but not as much as before, slowly I was beginning to awaken I took one look at my leg and saw there was a brace around it keeping it straight, Then a blonde doctor came in with Steve and Danny behind him, he started to talk and touch and move my leg around. He sat me up and made me walk, I walked three steps then fell to the floor, "You'll get use to it." The docter said with an over acheved grin.
         As we were leaving I saw Lilliana hiding, she must have an appointment but for what? I know Steve had perposed to her recently and they were going to get married, when we walked out the door Joe came running up to me as I explained what happened I became furious and yelled,"LETS JUST GO HOME PLEASE."
   Later  I was watching Dog the Bounty Hunter and Lilliana slipped in and sat next to me ( now I know what your thinking... but no), I turned the T.V. down and turned to look at her,"You didn't tell Steve you saw me today did you?" She asked very nervously, I was confused but I replied,"No why whats up?" She took a breath, this is when I found out I was going to have a nephew I wanted to know how she knew because she was three months in but I guess you can find out quick sometimes, she didn't get to say much because I said,"No way thats great!" She told me she was gonna tell Steve tonight which was probably best because he hates secrets.
       The next day was my birthday, Danny's was a few weeks ago. Lilliana told Steve the news he was very happy, I was happy because I could go back to work I just had to stay in my office. That night we had a camp fire and I basically sat in front of her and Steve making out wih Danny, she looked at Steve and then he looked at us shaking his head a little so I pushed Danny off,"I'm sorry Lilliana." I said feeling very bad, she just shrugged at me saying nothing.
   The next morning I woke up so tired that it hurt, today was Lilliana's birthday but she stayed in bed all day but I know when she went to go visit Steve they did it on his office couch I know because I saw it gross (thats why there a baby).
   On Tuesday we went on a double date Steve, Lilliana, Danny and I, we had shrimp at Kamekona's then went and saw a movie. The next morning an invite came in the mail for a luau,"All of us are going!" I said excidedly Lilliana grinned then I looked at her and said,"That means we're going shopping!"
    We went to different store's and  got a dress and shoes, then I bought lunch and we met up with the guys in the park to eat.
         Danny and I are going to match, I have a navy blue mermaid dress, and Danny found a very nice navy blue suit Steve made us take pictures together.
  Lilliana bought this beautiful maroon dress with a pair of black flats while Steve just stuck to a black suit and I got gray wedges to go with my dress, we all took many pictures together.
     The day of the party Lilliana was putting herself down, but I got her to feel better so did Steve he spent two hours just telling her how beautiful and smart she was. Danny helped me get into my dress as he was also trying to help me get undressed, I helped Danny with his tie and hen kissed him as he told me how much he loved me.
      The party was a hit everyone had fun even Steve and Lilliana. Danny and I danced the night away as many people watch for hours it was weird.
When I got home I fell asleep on Danny who was now only in Jeans and no shirt, I was in one of Danny's shirts and my underwear, Lilliana and I do this all the time but she wear Steve's shirts. Steve must have taken a picture because i sensed a flash from my shut eyes and then heard Danny's phone go off but I slept so well.

Note: Sorry for the suprise and I'm sorry if you don't like it and if it seems soon for a child but I wrote this with a friend in spanish and we had lots of time on our hands, I'm happy about the suprise twist but yes Holly's charater is still in a brace it never tells when she gets it taken off.
(Hope y'all still love it, I love your positivity it gives me joy and confedense!)

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