Gift of Ohana!

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Warning: May have adult languages and sexual actions

        The next morning I called and offered to watch Kalo for Steve and Lilliana while they went back to work on a car chase, I let them take Dixon because he was a fast dog and good at finding things. Kalo had me watching cartoons for at least two minutes then he ran over to the window squealing,"Auntie water!" Then jumping up and down like his uncle Danny when he has to make a sissy really badly it was so cute, I picked him up and we walk out and down by the beach, first I had to teach him to swim which took a while because he is very young and he can't swim without a life vest but it took about ten hours, thats when I grabbed my surf board and put him on it and pushed it calmly away from me and instructed him to slowly stand up, each time he fell off he popped back up and started to giggle.
I finally took him inside and put him in dry clothes, then went back outside to watch the sunset with him sitting calmly in my lap. Then from behide me I heard light foot steps and a mans voice,"Well lovely lady... Mind if I join you two?" I jumped even though I was Danny and I heard him coming but replied,"Holy shit..You scared me but, yes please do!" Danny got on the boat, I looked at him and said,"Lilliana and Steve said we should watch Kalo tonight so I agreed to it... Please don't be mad." Danny looked at me with a worry on his face then said,"Is everything okay? Why would I be mad? He's a great kid!" I smiled and I whispered,"Everything is fine, today I found out what we are having!" Danny began to smile then replied,"Thats great babe...Also this little guy is asleep."
  I'd been holding him for so long I never noticed that he'd fallen asleep, Danny and I brought him inside and put him in bed then went an layed in our own the Danny asked,"So... what is it we are having?" I giggled softly and said,"Well a little boy and a little girl!" I could feel his heart grow for he had always dreamed of a little girl, after he calmed down we fell silenty asleep. I woke up the next morning to the sound of a child crying this is when I remembered that my nephew was at my house, I jumped out of bed and ran to get him, suddenly there was a knock at our door and Danny came running out and told me to mak sure Kalo was feed, so I gave him cereal and he through it everwhere so I put on cartoons and gave him his juice as I picked up his mess, and then that kid was happy.
Jerry came to pick up Kalo to take him to Adam and Kono's, they weren't coming to the party we were gonna have to tell everyone what we're having. Suprisingly my mother and Joe showed up, she wanted to tell me she accepted Danny and that he was a good man, Danny thought she was high but he accepted her thoughts and said laughing,"Well good because I got your daughter pregnent with twins!" He smiled then winked, Doris look like she wasn't breathing. "Mom are you okay?" I asked with worry then she jumped and hugged both Danny and I then replied,"That's great...what are they?" I looked at Danny then he yelled,"EXUSE ME EVERYONE!, I want to say somehing...we are having twins, a boy and a girl!" Everyone broke out into clapping and cheering, then Danny stood on a table and said,"I'm not done yet... the boys name will be Kowa and the girl will be called Alana!"
  Claps and cheers started again, when Danny got to me I whispered to him,"We have a problem." I started to hyperventilate he grabbed hold of me then said calmly,"Just breathe..what is it?" I look around Steve and Lilliana were right next to me I whispered,"Either I pee'd or my water broke Daniel." I said with fear, then I felt a pain in my body I took a quick look at Lilliana and shouted,"OMFG...They're coming now." She grabbed my hand to calm me down, Danny picked me up and put me on our couch it was so cold, though it may also be leather but I am still replacing it after this.
  Within two hours Jerry was the only one there who knew how to properly deliver a baby and I was very uncomfortable, thank god my mom left, I thought and in about five hours Kowa was born six pounds and seven ounces, after about a long eight hours Alana was born same weight as her brother but she was crying, I cried from the pain and tiredness and it was also five o'clock in the morning, the twins were finally calm and asleep.
    went and layed next to Danny who then asked,"How is it when Lilliana had Kalo she got bigger than you did and like you can't even tell that you just had kids?.." I smiled then answered," I don't know but i'm tired so goodnight."
   Danny had kissed me and hugged me tight, while whispering,"Okay...Goodnight babe...Good job today!" In that next morning my mom hd showed up to see the twins and she made them cry within two minutes, Danny started yelling at her, then Stev and Lilliana came over they had just picked up Kalo from Adam and Kono's. Kalo started crying becuse knowone would pay attention to him, so I picked him up and went outside got him on a board and we were off I got him to stand on the board.
After Steve played with him in the sand while I fed the twins, then changed them it was so crazy I had fallen asleep standing up, Danny came in and made me sit down. I gave him and both twins a kiss then went to go lay down for a while and catch some sleep.

Note: Yes! It happened the twins were born and I love the names I watch to much T.V. or I just think to myself ever to much indeed!!!
I hope you love this one as much as I enjoyed writting it for you (Much love my sweeties!)

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