Worthy Life

17 1 4

Warning: May contain adult language and sexual action (This chapter not so much)

     Steve and Lilliana had decided that after some long hard thinking they would get a cat for Kalo so they did and her name was Bow-Bow,
Steve had sent me a video of Kalo taking his first steps I was so proud because he tried so hard to stand up and it was also gonna be his first birthday soon. Later after Danny got me to eat something because I hadn't all day, I went shopping for a birthday present for Kalo, I got bought him a racecar set and a cute little shirt I had made that says,"Daddy's Co-Commander!" I laughed about it for five minutes at least, when I got home I just layed on the couch with       Danny and Took a nap while he watched T.V., when I got up Danny was looking down at me,"How are you feeling?" He asked I blinked a few times then answered back,"Like I have two twins growing in my insides!" laughing I got up and grabbed some water from our fridge.
  The next day on the way to Steve and Lilliana's; Danny drove while I napped in the passager seat on the way to kalo's birthday party, the night before I had aked Danny to wrap the gifts for me, he had a good laugh at the shirt while he was wrapping it up and whispered to me,"He'll love the car set!" I smiled when I heard him make small talk, then slowly and calmly openned my eye's and replied,"I hope so.."
I added a long sad sigh after, then I felt Danny's hand grab mine, I looked at him,"What?" He just exhaled then mumbled,"You don't seem happy babe."
   I gave him the i'm fine, not really look, he just grinned at me. The party was great after I sat on the beach with Kalo and Danny drinking a juice box, because the doctor said even though i'm three weeks into the pregnancy I can't surf, speacially because the twins ar growning really fast. Kalo kept splashing Danny I just staired and thought about how happy Danny will be.
     Steve and Lilliana were doing some weird dance thing while surfing i'm not sure if I thought it was weird because i'm not aloud to surf or because its my brother and his wife. Then they came in so when we all went inside I put Kalo to bed for Lilliana and we all watched twenty-two jump street, Then we learned that Adam and Kono hooked up because we all saw them making out it was kinda cute at lest I thought.
Then we all talked about mine and Danny's wedding and that I hoped to teach Kalo to surf soon after I have the twins, I wanted to get married after I loose the weight from having the twins which Danny agreed with because he didn't wanna argue with me about it.
   Danny and I left to go home, we just layed down in bed and talked then I got underneath Danny's arm and snuggled against him, he gave me a goodnight kiss and after the six hours of talking we fell asleep snuggled under the balankets.

Note: This chapter is very short alo you know when someone takes a good story and fucks it up well this is that story im so sorry you guys...
      I have nothing else to say besides please don't hate me just hate my creative writting i guess...

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