Forever Ohana!

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Warning:Adult language and sexual content

Once Steve and Lilliana arrivied Kalo was jumping up and down yelling,"DADDY SURF?" Sense Kalo and the twins knew how to swim they had a little surf party and Steve joined them in their surfing game of fun.

All of our friends showed up except one,"Chin" While Steve was busy playing with the kids I stepped inside and made a call, once Steve saw chin, he was fast to get out of the water and walk up to me and ask,"What the hell is he doing here?" I knew...

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All of our friends showed up except one,"Chin" While Steve was busy playing with the kids I stepped inside and made a call, once Steve saw chin, he was fast to get out of the water and walk up to me and ask,"What the hell is he doing here?" I knew he wasn't happy so I had to watch how I returned my answer but I gently replied,"Kaikaina nui he's our ohana and what happened between him and your wahine was an accident they were drunk." Everyone stopped talking and looked at us,"Aloha!" Chin, Steve, and I said and then they all went back to talking again.
Steve went and got him and Chin a beer, I saw the two talking and then in sign and by reading their lips they both made up wih a mahalo, I was so happy for them, then Danny and I ended up fooling around for a few hours, and for the past few day after that i've been feling weird so when I went to the store and picked up what I need but also picked up a pregnacy test just in case and Its a good thing I haven't been drinking lately because from that test I got some news... Looks like Danno and I are having another baby, is such a big deal because i'm not sure how im gonna tell Danny. Later that night I called Lilliana who was crying, Danny kissed me goodbye and whispered,"I gotta head over to Steve's." I kissed him back then continued talking to Lilliana then I asked her if she wanted to come over to my place?
She answered quickly with a,"Yes please." within six hours there was a knock on my front door, I had just put the kids down for bed then hurried to go grab the door,"Hey come on in love!" We sat on the couch and talked about how her and Steve got into another fight about the affair, I could tell she was stressed so I got up a grabbed her a bottle of wine, as she drank it I then said out of nervousness," I'm having another baby."
She spit the wine out then,"What?" came out of her mouth, I looked at her and begged,"Please don't tell Steve or Danny." She nodded at me then whispered,"Okay, but when are you gonna tell?" I smiled and said,"I simple just don't know." While she was talking I pasted out, she must have left because I woke up and Danny was next to me with the twins playing on the floor,"Hey honey can we talk in the bedroom please?" I nodded then followed him to our room were I layed down on the bed and he closed the door and looked at me with suspicion then asked,"Want to tell me anything?" I replied back,"Nope!" Then in an evidence bag he pulled up the test that I had tried to hide so well but I guess not well enough, I jumped off the bed and walked to the door, Danny pushed against the door then yelled at me,"WHEN THE FUCK WERE YOU GONNA TELL ME?" I sat on the edge of the bed and began to weep and between breaths said,"I'm sorry Daniel, I just don't know."
Danny must have felt bad because he picked me up and put me back in bed, plus we had to be up early for Adam and Kono's wedding tomorrow and my mother was coming to pick up Kowa and Alana with Kalo so her and Joe could spend time with them for a couple days. When w woke up we got ready and headed straight to the wedding, I was happy for Kono and Adam but I felt like Danny was still mad at me, when I heard you may now kiss the bride!" My hormones kicked in and I started to cry and everyone looked at me so I just whispered,"I'm gonna go, Congrates!" Then Adam Stopped me at door and asked,"Hey you good?" I nodded and smiled.
Saturday I talked to Lilliana she told be she had been diagnosed with depression, but not to worry because she's seeing a therapist, I nodded and then headed home to my husband because my children were with my mom for a few days, when I got home I had whatever Danny had made for dinner, then I went and layed in our bed and then I fell asleep after five minutes I heard the bedroom door close and felt a kiss on my lips then the words,"Goodnight babe!"

Note: I hate how there's so many suprised in this chapter but if your into it okay then....
much love peace out!

Kaikaina nui/Big brother

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