Growing up

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Warning: Adult language and actions

   I awoke the next morning forgetting where I was, I jumped up and almost slipped of the dock then Danny gradded me just before I fell in. Danny, Lilliana, Steve, and all our friends from work except Adam were sitting on the beach, Adam and Kono were going through something that made it weird to be in the same room as them.
    Tani and Jr were swimming, I went inside and put on my swimsuit then went to the garage and grabbed my board then paddle out to the middle of the ocean, five minutes later Lilliana came out,"Hey...What are you doing?" she asked I just looked at her then commented back,"Surfing!?...What does it look like i'm doing?" she let out a grunt, then she slowly tapped my arm,"What do you want?" I snapped as I brought my head up realizing why she tapped me so slowly, I looked at her and whispered,"Do not move!" She didn't simply because she was to scared to move but so was I but I didn't tell her that, then when a huge ola hit we hurried to paddle to shore it was so powerful and huge that I saw each shark as the ola crashed back down. Then Lilliana came up to me and just punched me and when I got up to punch her back Steve grabbed me because my PTSD kicked in and I became angry, as we sat on the beach and calmed down Tani and Jr started to flirt then Jr leaned in to kiss her thats when everyone knew they had just hooked up.
  Adam showed up to work the next day drunk then we all found out that he and Kono were no longer togerher, he was so drunk once Steve got him to pass out he then asked Duke if he would bring Adam back home, Then Lilliana, Danny, Steve, myself, my seventeen year old nephew, my sixteen year old twins and ten year old daughter and nine year old niece went out before they went to Danny's dads.
   Then us adults all went roller skating Steve,Danny and Lilliana were really good but something made me want to sit and watch them until Danny came up to me,"Hey babe! Why arn't you out there with us?" he whispered so knowone would look at us, I grabbed my phone and text him my answer,"I don't know how to do this anymore.... My dad and I did this every Friday..." I continued looking down at the floor, then Danny slid my shoes off, sliding skates on over my socks and buckling them up, he grabbed my hand as I smiled we skated together the whole time I fell twice and each time I wanted to give up Danny wouldn't let me, for being only twenty-nine with my thirty year old husband, thirty-one year old kaikaina and twenty-eight year old hoapili, we always found a way to have fun.
     The next day we got called into hana with a call that Adams sister was found dead, I had no feeling of sadness or wanting will to cry when I saw her lifeless body just laying there, but Adam lost it I called an officer over to take him to a ambulance, plus he looked drunk again. After four days of her case on my desk I finally closed it, Steve and Lilliana fially closed a case when they weren't fucking around with each other, the next two weeks Lilliana got a world famous cat named Mr.Pickles, he's cute I guess if you like the old soul type of cats.

Eddie tried to eat him,"monsterous dog!" Lilliana would call him, but in Eddies defense the cat keep eating his food I mean really what a dumb ass cat,"Hey little shit head stop eating the dogs food or he'll eat you if you get caught!" I said laug...

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Eddie tried to eat him,"monsterous dog!" Lilliana would call him, but in Eddies defense the cat keep eating his food I mean really what a dumb ass cat,"Hey little shit head stop eating the dogs food or he'll eat you if you get caught!" I said laughing at him then Lilliana punched me then shouted,"Be nice to my new baby!" I made a joke about how she already has three other cats and then compared them to food and boi did I get the stair of death. That day after the two boy's got out of school we got to met their girlfriend's, they're cute, kinda slutty dressers but their teenagers Kalo's girlfriend has olive skin, green eye's and beautiful black hair and her name was Oliva, Kowa kept playfully pushing his girlfriend she had short red hair, tan skin, blue eye's and freckles and her name was Ava.

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