Her name is Noni!

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Warning: Adult language & (Actions that will make some of you uncomfortable)

    Lilliana came over to my wahi, while her and Steve talked for about six hours I fed my children and put them to bed. Today was Kalo's sixth birthday and the two twins birthday is in two weeks after his, they will be five and starting kindergarden soon, it was a fun day Lilliana and Steve talked some more about the soon to be born baby, I made a suggestion that they should name her Noni. Lilliana loved it, Steve didn't care, and hi came out of no where and said,"That's it, absolutely beautiful!"
    I smiled then replied,"I have to go find Kona, I believe Adam and Kono have her?.." I ran off to look for my daughter, plus Steve had a pissed off look on his face, poor Steve, I found Kona with Adam whom was in the water playing with her as they splashed each other, I sat down next to him,"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked laughing, he smiled and replied,"Playing in the water with this cute little darling!" I looked at Adam then asked if he and Kono would maybe want to wath the kids tonight, and he replied with a friendly smile and an,"Of course I can I love them, they are so cute its hard to believe they're Danny's." I laughed so hard I fell over and then I sat up and replied,"True and thank you so much Adam!"
      Then I went to go tell Danny that the kids were going to Adams tonight, he smiled and then spoke back,"Okay!" Steve and Chin argued more and more about this whole baby thing that I had to step in and got punch in the eye by Steve. Lilliana and Steve went home and this time Chin stayed at my house, then later we got a call from Steve that Lilliana was having the baby, Steve sounded like he was in panic, when we arrived at the hospital he was passed out in a chair.
  Four hours later Noni was born, Steve cried and when Chin tried to hand her to him Steve refuse to take her and walked out of the room. I bolted after him,"STEVE MCGARRETT, WOULD YOU PLEASE STOP NOW?"  I yelled at him half way down the hall and he really did stop, when I got up to him he turned and hugged me and then whispered,"She's so beautiful but.... she's not mine." I shoved him away and then grabbed him by his shirt and took him to the parking lot and thats when I snapped,"Steve? Yes she is so beautiful and she is yours, she needs you more than you will ever know now get your stuck up navy brat ass in there and hold your daughter, DO YOU HEAR ME SOLDIER?"  He nodded and grabbed my hand as we walked back, he sat down and Danny set Noni in his arms this time.
I heard whispers from Steve as he talked to Noni, he love her so much that he started to cry.
      When we got home Danny had started making a beautiful dinner then after we cuddled  in bed were I lay next to his shirtless body in only jeans and I wore his shirt and my underwear. I woke up the next mornng, I rolled over and looked at Danny ,"Baby are you awake?" Danny made a growning sound then rolled over, I felt my underwear  slip down my legs and Danny's arms were moving, plus he had a dirly-sexy smile on his face. I just got up and went to take a shower, Danny jumped in unannonced and well we had a problem actaully showering even after we dried off, then my brother and Lilliana ruined it but its cool. "Whats up?" I said as I opened the door to see Steve with Noni, Lilliana and Chin behind them Steve answered back,"Mind if we come in? Oh and I picked up your kids!"
   I smiled letting them in and hugging them all as they came in, Lilliana and I talked while Noni and Kona slept and the three guys took the kids surfing, It was beautiful to see Alona surf her first six waves in a row, Kowa is just about as good as his father but he'll get there I said to Lilliana laughing. Chin surfed up to the beach,"Hey Holly! Come out with us?" I didn't wanna leave Kona but Lilliana made me go and she whispered,"I'll take care of her if she wakes!" I smiled hugging her and the whispered back,"Thanks Lil your the best!" I leaped in the water and raced Chin out to the middle where Steve and Danny were, I totally won.
   That night Danny and I sat down by the beach with a fire and drank a few beers and just talked and soon we fell asleep out on the lawn.

Note: Guys i'm a very bad writer i'm so sorry for that but anyway, I love the part were Steve's Sister is treating him like he in the Military again just to make a point! (Stay Positive, Stay Beautiful loves!)


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