Back to High School?...

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Warning: Adult language and actions

    Back in high school Lilliana and I were so nerdy, we looked like nerds and we had grades like nerds. Steve, Danny, Daryl and Rick were the hot jock of the school, but in my opinion not Steve because he's my kaikaina nui and thats gross but anyway they had the bodies of jocks and were all stupid smart.

 Steve, Danny, Daryl and Rick were the hot jock of the school, but in my opinion not Steve because he's my kaikaina nui and thats gross but anyway they had the bodies of jocks and were all stupid smart

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Lilliana and I were obsessed with the jocks, Lilliana actually changed from nerd to jock she started playing basketball, at the same time Steve was dating Lynn and Lilliana was really jealous she even offered to do Steve's homework for him and hel...

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Lilliana and I were obsessed with the jocks, Lilliana actually changed from nerd to jock she started playing basketball, at the same time Steve was dating Lynn and Lilliana was really jealous she even offered to do Steve's homework for him and help him out after school. Then one day Lilliana and I where watching the guys at football practice and Lynn got in Lilliana's face in the middle of the field while the guys sat on the bleachers, as soon as I heard Lynn call Lilliana a,"Slutty ass whore." is when I ran faster than I'd ever ran before at someone, I grabbed Lynn and pulled her to the ground and started punching her, then with in seconds Steve was pulling me off of her I screamed things at her I promised myself i'd never ever say such as,"Dirty ass slut, don't ever call my friend a slutty ass whore again and stay away from my brother."
     Every time I saw her someone would grab my arm and when i'd look it was always Danny, Who that annoying british student Rachel he was dating, later broke up with him because he was always watching me in study hall or in other classes like physical education and health. Plus Lynn left my brother after he defended me when I kicked her ass and called her thoses names.
Rick got super jealous one day when he saw Daryl kiss Carlos, he was so upset he cried and because very depressed from loneliness, I went shopping with him to make him feel better and when he got sad I would hug him to help him get better but while we were out we ran into Steve, Danny, Daryl, and Carlos. Rick became angry and went some where to stress eat and ruin his figure, Rick was so sad it hurt me to see him that way.

                                                                                                      Top(Rick Grimes)                                                                                                              Bottom(Daryl Dixon)

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                                                                                                      Top(Rick Grimes)
                                                                                                              Bottom(Daryl Dixon)

   Six weeks later Daryl and Carlos were over, Daryl was so upset he stress ate just like Rick all the time,"Daryl you don't have to be alone!" I whispered to him as I tapped his shoulder, Daryl looked at me as I sat next to him, he began to wipe ...

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   Six weeks later Daryl and Carlos were over, Daryl was so upset he stress ate just like Rick all the time,"Daryl you don't have to be alone!" I whispered to him as I tapped his shoulder, Daryl looked at me as I sat next to him, he began to wipe tears from his face then quitely whispered back,"What are you talking about?" That's when I replied,"Rick really likes you Daryl and he's single your single... You should go talk to him." Daryl's face turned to a smile and then he flashed a wink at me, then he got me do that stupid laugh guys think is cute, when I went to go cover my mouth with my hands to giggle Daryl grabbed my hands and looked at me then said,"Your laugh is so adorable and thanks for filling my in to the info little sis!" Daryl and Rick treat me like i'm their little sister.
   Daryl slowly walked over to Rick as he began to pick his head up from a book that was in his hands, Rick studied Daryl then tapped his hand and woundered,"Daryl are you okay? Do you need to get something?" That's when Daryl remembered why he had walked over there,"Oh..Um...I was actually woundering if you wanted to come sit with me and Holly?" He spoke out nervously, Rick stood up and followed Daryl to the table I noticed Rick seemed uneasy so I tapped hi with my shoe from under the table and lipped out the words,"Are you okay?" He looked up at me and gave me a node then Daryl grabbed him and kissed him right there, Rick was now the new sheriff in town and five months afer high school graduation Rick and Daryl got married and that was the last time anybody saw them.
When the flash back ended Danny was grabbing my hand and whispering,"Hey! Babe lets go to bed?" I nodded and in tweleve minutes I was passes out on his chest, the next morning Lilliana and Steve came over with Kalo and Noni, I had again from the first time Steve ever taught me how to play soccer, The Noni started to yell,"Uncle Dan-Dan where you go?" While covering her eye's, she's such a cutie pie.
   Then Alona came running in almost out of breath, and Kowa after her,"Mama... Kowa is being a jerk." I gave her a look then I looked at Kowa as they ran back outside.

Note: No one knows what happened to Rick and Daryl after high school years and their wedding, and flash backs will happen for a few more chapters... I think...

Kaikaina nui- Big brother

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