Psycho wreck....

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Warning: Contains adult language and sexual action

  The next day Holly was nine months and an extra week pregnate, besides that Steve, Danny, Lilliana, and I  all go to marriage counseling now and of course Danny and I had a separate counseler from Steve and Lilliana.
Danny and I talked with our counseler about me keeping the fact that i'm having Danny's third child from him, he asked me why I had done so all I could say was,"Sir I really don't know." He'd then turned to Danny and asked ,"Do you know why she might have done that?" Danny looked at him saying nothing, just giving him that shut the hell up look, then the counseler said,"Daniel?" Danny hated that but it got him to reply back,"Its Danny and probably because she was in shock herself." Our conseler Rick looked at me and said,"Is this true?" I nodded softly then asked if I could leave but Danny grabbed my arm and motioned me to sit with a look.
   Steve and Lilliana had a better time, their conseler explained that accidental affairs happen when people drink then they got to leave after a few more questions and just wait for us. When Danny and I left we found out we were having another baby girl, we were so happy Danny said,"Lets name her Kona!" I looked at him and said,"Okay, Kona it is!" We headed home to enjoy the rest of our day and talk trash about our conseler whom Danny wanted to beat the hell out of just for callig him Daniel mostly and being an ass. I looked at him then whispered,"Where have you been all my life?"
  Danny just laughed then said,"Holly are you okay?" I quickly yelled back,"No I want to beat our counseler with a book." I realize now I sound very crazy but Danny laughed until he realized I wasn't joking, Danny smiled at me and kissed my forehead then whispered,"I know how you feel baby."
    After three hours of Danny and myself joking around there was a forceful knock on the front door, I thought it might be Steve and Lilliana but when we opened the door it was Jerry he looked panicked and out of breath,"May I please come in?"  he mangaged to get out, I looked at him and gave him some water as Danny asked,"What's up Jer-bear?" Jerry took a few more gasps and calmly said,"Your counseler is PSYCHO!"
  Danny and I became very confused, then Steve and Lilliana showed up,"Jerry did you tell them?" Steve shouted out of breath, I began to panic as Danny took me into our living room and then he asked them,"Tell us what?" Lilliana began to speak," Your guy's counseler just tried to kill Steve and Danny your next." Jerry said out of anger,"He's a dirty creep." I fell asleep in Danny's arms because I was so scared, he was to I could tell because of how tight he was holding me close to his chest.
I woke the next morning to Duke and Pua in my living room, then Pua asked,"Detective are you in any pain at all?" I looked into his eye's then looked around and began to freak out when there was no sign of Danny, Steve, or even Lilliana. My mother had my childern, Then I turned to look at Pua again and whispered,"No I feel no pain at all why?" Then I looked down and noticed why he had asked, I began to freak out I was about to have my third child in the same place as last time, Duke and Pua held me on the couch so I wouldn't try and get away because I tried but it hurt to much to move.
Then Chin came running down the hallway to my side with a towl and a bottle of water,"Holly are you okay?" I heard him ask but I was to busy looking for Daniel and thinking why isn't he here? "Oh boi..." I said in so much pain," Is he dead?" Chin sent Duke and Pua away then answered my question,"No, they're just no where to be found right now." This angered me so much that I tried to kick Chin but he grabbed my leg and talked to me while the third child of Detective Danny Williams was being brough to this hell of a sight.
  After fifteen hours I heard the cry's of a beautiful baby girl, with no daddy to hold her and tell Kona it would all be alright. I had waited for three days when I put Kona to bed each night I hugged and kissed her for Danny too, One day Jerry took her and some bottles I had already made in the fridge, just so that I could get some sleep and alone time, I really didn't want her to be gone because now I was alone. As I ly in bed crying myself to sleep I felt something crawl into the bed with me I turned and as they turned the bed side table light on it revealed Danny.
  Steve and Lilliana came in with Jerry and Kona, Danny took her from Jerry he looked so paranoid but happy to see us at the same time, Jerry put Kona to bed for me and I feel asleep, while Chin told everyone how I reacted. Later Danny came in to lay next to me were I moved over to lay in a warm hug of his knowing we're now safe and sound.

Note: Sorry this chapter sucks so badly everyone, please forgive me I have a lot on my mind and knowone to talk to about it but anyway I guess enjoy it please...
   Your truly,

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