Makuahine hou (New Mother)

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Warning: Adult language and actions

I'd go visit alona every three days out of the week, plus she'd be giving birth to the baby soon, it had been eight months sense Danny kicked her out.
Danny was still healing, replacing every photo he had broken, then one evening while he was sitting in his at home office he'd receviced a phone call,"Hey dad I just called to talk...If you want?" It was Alona, Danny stayed quiet then answered,"Hey honey! Hows it going, hows the baby doing?" She laugh from the other end and took a few breaths then slowly replied,"He's okay due any time now, oh and i'm fine just a little tired."

Danny laughed then said,"Well i've gotta get to bed because I have work tomorrow

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Danny laughed then said,"Well i've gotta get to bed because I have work tomorrow." They finished up the call and she said,"Goodnight." Then the call went dead, it had been four weeks sense Danny got a call from Alona, this next one was far more important then the last,"Dad are you there?" It was Alona again and she sounded like she was in a knot ,"Yeah! sweetheart what is it?" He replied back in a calm manor to her," I need to get to the hospital and Adams not home." She started to cry as Danny dropped the phone an ran outside jumping in his car, He had her to the hospital in less than and hour, within the next fourteen hours our grandson was born and his name was Maui because Alona believe he'll do get things. As the nurse took the baby out of the room Alona began to speak,"Dad i'm really sorry I screwed up, I should have listened to you and uncle Steve." She looked down at her hands as Steve walked in,"Hey kiddo I heard what you said and its not your fault you fell for a jerk sweetheart!"

Steve shook Danno's hand as they gave each other that same node i've seen before, then the nurse came back with a small baby in a blue blanket and Steve got glance and whisper to me,"It looks like its mother, yeah?!

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Steve shook Danno's hand as they gave each other that same node i've seen before, then the nurse came back with a small baby in a blue blanket and Steve got glance and whisper to me,"It looks like its mother, yeah?!.." Alona laughed and hugged them both, just before Danny left he gave Alona a gentle kiss on the head,"Aloha au la'oe, Daddy thank you for being there for me!" Now Danny wasn't big on the language but he still replied,"Anything for my babygirl!"
Two Days after Maui was born Adam moved Alona in with him, we went to go visit and I must say i'm not used to Adam walking around with a baby in worry and also not being drunk at the same time. He had put Alona in his bedroom and took care of Maui when she was asleep, And later on that night while we were all sitting together Adam had kissed Alona's small pale lips, but she was happy and so was he and though through her life he'd alway's help me care for Kona it was because deep down he alway's loved Alona!

Note: Yes I know this chapter is very very short but the next ones will be a bit of work, Also no i'm not trying to make Adam sound creepy because in this story the age is actually strange its speeds up if ANYONE who's not gonna be gross about it gets that so in this part of the chapter and from the point where Alona ran off she was close to twenty and Adam is about ...... well who cares I guess just read it if you don't like it like me i guess then don't read it.
P.S.- Yes some of these pictures are strange as hell but I don't care!

Aloha au la'oe- I love you

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