Chapter 4: Puddlesplash

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"I can't believe Ravenclaw would accuse me of killing his son" Rushfire sounded frustrated but his green eyes swam with disappointment. "Do I look like I can kill Pineclaw!? I am so scrawny..." he half joked.

"He is just grieving, Pineclaw was his and Kindpetals only kit" I tried to comfort him.

"I don't think that's a good excuse"

"I know... I am just trying to cheer you up". Rushfire smiled at my words as I took a bite of our shared bird.

"You should really stop" he said jokingly.

"Make me then" I smirk. He looked ready to take on that challenge but stopped. His eyebrows furrowed as he watched something behind me. I looked around and saw it was Mapleclaw coming up to us. I smiled at my friend quickly.

"Hey Mapleclaw!" I say cheerfully.

"Hey," my red furred friend took a seat in front of us, "Can I ask for some advice?"

"Sure! What can I do for ya?"

"You have trained a successful apprentice, how do handle both battle and hunting?"

"You are the second cat to ask me that" I laughed. "I am guessing Mothpaw is struggling in one or the other"

"I can't get her to take hunting seriously" she sighed. "Do you got any advice"

"Take your time with her, you have to find a technique or skill that fits her. It might find it she is more suited to hunting birds, mice, or squirrels"

"That... that actually is smart" she smiled at me gratefully. "Since we were trained in war times, I guess I never really paid attention to hunting just fighting" her smile dropped for a second before it picked up again. Mapleclaw stood up and began to walk off. "We have dawn patrol tomorrow don't forget!" She called back. Once Mapleclaw was out of ear shot, my mate chirped up.

"Look at the great hunter of Thunderclan" Rushfire gave me a proud grin as he took another bite.

"No I am not, I am just trying to be helpful" I gave him a nervous smile.

"Says only you" the red tabby gave me a comforting lick and continued to eat the bird.


"Hey Puddlesplash!" I recognized the voice and breathed a little sigh of relief. Skyleaf my old mentor came trotting up with a big smile. "Silverfeather is gonna take your spot on dawn patrol tomorrow and you were moved to dusk patrol"

"Why? And isn't Silverfeather nursing at the moment?" I was confused.

"Silverfeather has been feeling cooped up in camp and wanted some time away from the kits, this way she'll have the rest of the day to have fun with the kits"

"Ah," Rushfire snickered, "which means you'll be den dad for the morning"

"Silverfeather deserves a break" he gave a very tired smile, "four kits is a lot..."

"Ya think" the three of us laughed.

I missed this... hanging out with close friends plus my mate. Wish Mapleclaw would enjoy times like this where you just talk. Her and Foxhop just keep on working.

"Anyway, those four will be apprentices soon and I wanted to spend some time with them before they do"

"Have you two decided on mentors yet with Wishstar?" I asked. "I was hoping maybe I would get to train one of them. I really like the idea of training either Forestkit or Firekit"

"You'll just have to wait and see" my old mentor winked at me. His blue eyes shinning with mischievous youth.

"I don't think I'll ever get an apprentice," Rushfire laughed a little, "even though I was taught everything a Thunderclan cat knows I am horrible at it"

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