Chapter 9: Sagelight

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"I am happy Puddlesplash is active again, he was acting super loopy and tired after THAT night" I smile at Foxhop as we lay together in the sunlight.

"Yeah, him and Slatefoot went out hunting this morning" Foxhop mumbled, "I don't understand how Puddlesplash can keep up a relationship with his old apprentice, I tried talking with Petalclaw and she didn't want to talk!"

"It's is just Petalclaw, she is really rude to everyone now" I giggle a little. Foxhop purrs and curls up into my side.

"I hope you have better luck when you get an apprentice" me mumbled.

"I don't think I will get an apprentice. I am not as tallanted as the rest of you"

"What do you mean! You are amazing! Remember how you threw that Shadowclan cat into another during battle! You got super strength and are so intimidating and did I mention your strong!" He praised me, roughling my puffy fur playfully.

"Bet I could throw you" I teased.

"Hey I might be average but I got moves of my own"

"Hehe" We purred some more together. It was nice relaxing in the afternoon sun. I for one was very pleased that everything calmed down. I watched the clearing as Foxhop began to snooze off into my mane. Everyone was also relaxing for the day. Coppernose was flirting with Nightrain which made me laugh a little. Luckywish was playing moss ball with his kits. Of course they were far off to keep them away from any cat who might be carrying some disease. Darkcloud was talking with Moonwater while watching his kits with a glance every few seconds. It is just a nice day. As my eyes dragged itself to and frow around the clearing I spotted Sparrowscar cuddled up in a shaded spot by the elders den. His cool blue eyes landed on Foxhop and me for a second. A warm ness spread in his eyes as we made eye contact, smiling at me. I smiled back genuinely as Sparrowscar went back to relaxing. He had this thick reddish brown fur that made him look like a dog instead of cat. His heavily scarred left side was what made him completely unique. I watched as he slowly stopped on something as he scanned the clearing, which thankfully wasn't me and Foxhop. His gaze went from a nice warmth to admiration and relief. Confused I followed his gaze and found myself watching a Puddlesplash as he shared a mouse with Rushfire. The two toms giggling a bit. I mean it when I say it is nice to see Puddlesplash wasn't really affected by what had happened.

"Oh, sorry Sagelight I fell asleep" Foxhop said with a yawn.

"It's fine" I grinned down at him.

"Oh hey! Puddlesplash and Rushfire are back!"

"Yeah, didn't notice till now"

"Oh! Before I forget! I found some really pretty yellow feathers today so I put them in your nest!"

"Foxhop you didn't have to do that" I purr and got up to follow him to our nest together in the warriors den.

"Of course I do! I am lucky I have a mate like you!" He joked and I couldn't help but giggle. Such a romantic, what will I ever do without my Foxhop! Foxhop stopped being cheerful and had a sour look on his face. Confused I looked where he was to see Mapleclaw and Applebrook talking.

"What do you think there talking about?" Foxhop grumbled, clearly upset at the scene before us. Applebrook was laughing at something Mapleclaw had said, who also had a small smile on her face.

"Don't know, but it doesn't seem to serious"

"Why does Applebrook like Mapleclaw so much... she is always rude to other cats, she is quick to anger, and disobeys rules all the time" he complained. I nudged him gently to quit the negative talking.

"Mapleclaw was Applebrooks apprentice, they have a very close relationship"


"So Applebrook just ignores those flaws, or at least calls her out on it when it gets to far. Just like Puddlesplash does with her" pointing out he is talking bad about his brothers best friend.

"I-I just don't want her to become deputy on the basis of nepotism"

"Applebrook is more likely to pick my dad or his own best friend if your worried about that. For all we know he might pick me" I joked. He loosened up at that. And for a split second he didn't seem upset. Only for the split second though.

"Oh and don't get me started on her relationship with her sister, Mapleclaw holds grudges like no ones business"


"Like, sure Orchidfrost was mentally unprepared to have kits especially when she didn't have a mate she refused to tell us who, but like Orchidfrost tried! She just got really depressed. It wasn't like Mothpaw and Cardinalpaw suffered in anyway since Branchtail and Dawndrop stepped up to take care of them!"

"Did you forget that Mapleclaw did too" I groaned. Foxhop glanced at me confused. I stood up and Foxhop ended up falling off my mane. He looked a little annoyed I got up but I gave him my serious look so he didn't want to complain. "Mapleclaw took care of Mothpaw and Cardinalpaw when Dawndrop got busy with her own litter. Branchtail and her both were the ones to clear out Orchidfrosts nest when it got musty, made she drank and ate, helped her kits get onto fresh kill early. We aren't on the inside of Mapleclaw and Orchidfrosts sibling relationship, we are on the outside trying to understand it. We all have complications going on in our own head. You have flaws too". He looked pissed off at me, but held his tongue. Instead he stomped off to the warriors den, most likely to sulk. I sighed and looked around, hoping no one noticed that exchange. Puddlesplash was giving me a raised eyebrow but I shrugged and mouthed to him 'everything is fine'. The silver and brown tom didn't seem convinced but nodded and went back to talking to Rushfire. I sighed once more and laid back down in the sun, maybe to salvage what was left of my relaxation.

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