Chapter 7: Puddlesplash

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The light was dim as I opened my eyes slowly. The smell of herbs and plants hit my nose with a gentle scent. As my eyes adjust to the dim dusk light I quickly realize I was in the medicine cats den.

"Ho-how did- oh wait" I quickly remember what had happened. As I slowly stretch my muscles I think to myself How long have I been asleep? No one was here at the moment so I sat myself up with a yawn. As I do so a cat pushed itself through the tendrils that cover medicine cat dens entrance lightly. In walked in a tired Rushfire with a ball of wet moss. He quickly saw I was awake and looked ready to cry. He dropped the moss and tackled me.

"You're awake! I thought you died!" He chokes and snuggled my head. I couldn't help but laugh and purr.

"I-I'm fine Rushfire"

"You scared me last night"

"Wait? I have been asleep all day?" I said raising my eye brows. "Aww mouse dung..."

"Hehe, yeah you have" Rushfire smile fell, "I should go and get Wishstar and Coldheart, they have a lot of questions for you..."

"Go and get them" I purr and lick his check.

"Moonwater was heading to the moonpool tonight so it's just the large cranky cat to take care of you" Rushfire joked. I rolled my eyes. "I brought the water for, I'll go get them now. He nudged my chin before leaving again. As I stared at the moss I felt a fear claw at my belly. The dream haunted me as I remember drowning in blood.

Did I almost actually drown last night? I push the idea down and began lapping at the moss. Soon after I finish with the wet moss Rushfire came back with my leader and medicine cat. Wishstar looked relieved at seeing me awake, even if her yellow eyes were still worrisome. Coldheart has this mask of calmness that was obviously put up to keep the situation less stressful. Out of anxiety I pawed at the moss under my paws.

"It's good to see you awake Puddlesplash, I was getting worried" Wishstar smiled weakly. Coldheart nodded but didn't say anything. "I know you just woke up but-"

"You want me to tell you what happened..." I trailed off. She paused for a second before nodding. Rushfire licked my check and wrapped his tail with mine since my mate was trying to comfort me. I will say it did relax me, Rushfire being here.

"It seemed to have taken a toll on you physically, which is odd" she hinted my aches I complained when I woke up the first time. "If we know what you had dreamed of then it could help us figure out what happened"

"I think I was given a sign from Starclan" I murmur.

"A sign?" Coldheart finally spoke.

"Or maybe like a prophecy or a vision... or both I am not entirely knowledgeable on this kind of stuff" I looked at my paws. Why am I so nervous? I thought. Because your worried they think you me crazy I answered myself.

"Tell us everything from the beginning" Wishstar asked. I nodded and thought back to what happened.

"Well, I had dreamed of the forest and that I was heading down to the lake. As I walked along I felt something tugging on me," out of the edge of my eye sight I saw Wishstar's yellow eyes dart to Rushfire for a second. "When the second tug happen I stopped and turned around, I felt like I was being watched but I didn't see anyone"

"Rushfire had said he tugged on you cause he was trying to wake you up" Coldheart added. I looked up from my paws and smiled at him as a thank you for trying. He smiled back. I gave my attention to my leader and medicine cat.

"I ignored it and continued on my trek..." I stopped when the images of the blood flood hit my mind like a paw strike and I actually flinched at the memory.

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