Chapter 60: Maplestar

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"Everyone seemed happy about us leaving to talk to Snailstar" Cardinalrush mumbled.

"That's cause they are hoping we are gonna talk and end this entire ordeal" I mumbled back. It was just me and Cardinalrush. I really didn't think Snailstar would bring more than himself, his deputy, and one or two warriors of his. I hope I am right about that...

"You know Briarstar is gonna expect something in return for going against her" my deputy mumbled.

"And they will get what they want" I grumbled, "let's just say with everything heading her way, she will wish she didn't cross me"

"That is if this talk works"

"The talk will work out" I peeked up at the sight of three distant cats. I could easily recognize the limping cat in lead as our good old Snailstar. Snailstar and his group of cats slowed down as they reached their side of the stream.

"Hello Maplestar, I didn't think you would show" Snailstar greeted sourly as he sat down. The other two cats that came with him included his deputy Birchleaf and Heronwing the young warrior.

"Same here Snailstar" I grumbled. "I just want to end this?"

"Same, blood shouldn't have been spilled. But why did you even starts this? "

"Briarstar has... information she is holding over my head"

"That seems like a you issue" Cardinalrush mumbled. I growled at her to shut up. Cardinalrush looked at her paws in embarrassment.

"Maplestar if she was doing that to you I would have come to your defense" Snailstar stated sadly. I was a little surprise to be honest. I didn't think Snailstar would be that kind to me

"Snailstar thank-"

"Aww... such a happy display" Briarstars cold mew made me jump. Snailstar jumped around along with Birchleaf and Heronwing. "Thank you for telling me about this meeting Maplestar, I think this will work swimmingly" with a flick of her tail a bunch of warriors rounded the corner and attacked. We all prepared for the attack. A fluffy silver Tom tackled me and shoved me right into Carndialrush, then him and another large tom launched themselves at Snailstar. They pinned him and Briarstar pranced over and looked between us and the confused and panicked Windclan pair.

"Briarstar wh-" Birchleaf started but the tortoiseshell leader interrupted her.

"I am taking Snailstar here, if both Windclan and Shadowclan doesn't forfeit territory to us than you may or may not find his body floating in the lake by the next moon. Right Maplestar?" I looked shocked at her, realizing what she was trying to pull.

"I have no paw in this! Don't dra-"

"It was your idea to use this meeting as a way to get Snailstar alone and capture him" she sneered. The look in her hazel eyes sent a shiver panic down my spine.

"What in the world Maplestar?!" Birchleaf hissed, getting ready to try and save Snailstar.

"Attack me, and my warriors will take one of cripples lives right here and now" Briarstar warned in low, gravely tone. Birchleaf growled at that.

"Do you actually think I can convince Tinystar to give territory up for a Windclan cat?"

"Yes, because she knows that an end to this war won't be near if the ransom isn't fulfilled"

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