Chapter 72: Puddlesplash

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"We are to not speak of this ceremony to any cat Puddlesplash, and do not speak to me during it" Moonwater advised. She gave me a smile of confidence as I followed her up the rocky path to the moonpool. I could feel the butterfly pit in my stomach build as we got closer to the moonpool. Each step sent a nervous thought my mind, just like when Rushfire and I went here to receive kits.

What if I am not allowed to accept my nine lives? What if there is some sort of test to prove so? We went over a few more boulders before the two of us were looking down at the moonpool. I went wide eye at the beauty of this place. It was still as gorgeous as when I was here the last time. The clear, gentle pool reflected the night sky above perfectly, with the almost full moon lighting the stone in a dappled silver light. I don't know why, but the air almost smells lighter here, calmer even. I jumped down and stood next to Moonwater. She smiled once again at me with confidence and I smiled back sheepishly. We both laid down next to the pool edge and I looked down at my clear reflection. I could see every detail of my half face, and my nervous two different colored eyes. I took a deep breath and let it out. I than placed my nose on the cold surface of the moonpool and closed my eyes. I could feel myself being pulled gently and I froze. I relaxed as I could feel the warmth of a place I had been once before. I opened my eyes slowly to see I the faint, starry territory of Starclan around me. I looked around admiring the beauty whe I flicked my ears at the sound of approaching cats. I looked in the direction to see a group of cats approaching me. The conflicted emotions of joy and grief hit me like a barrage of rocks as I quickly recognized many of them. Wishstar was in the lead, giving me that thoughtful look she did when I was a kit a long time ago.

"Hello Puddlesplash, I was wondering when I would see you here" Wishstar mewed. The rest of the cats gathered around me with so much love in their eyes I wanted to cry and snuggle with all of them.

"H-hi every cat" I choked. The first cat to approach me was a silver spotted she-cat with bright green eyes. I wanted to purr but I just choking up as I recognized my mom the minute she came forward. Spottedsnow purred as she looked at me with so much love and kindness I felt like I was gonna melt.

"Oh Puddlesplash, you surpassed everything I dreamed you would be" Spottedsnow purred loudly.

"I-I missed you mom..." I mumbled, trying not to cut off the sentence with a painful choke of tears. She smiled as her purr got stronger. She placed her nose on my forehead.

"With this life, I give you the gift of cherishing. Cherish every moment of everyday as if it is your last. Cherish the cats you have known, those in your life now, and those to come. Remember every memory and carry it with you to push you harder on your darkest days, not only for you but for the cats you will lead" Spottedsnow said. A strong painful warmth flooded into me and almost gasped at the sudden feeling. Spottedsnow stepped back and the feeling fleeted away as quickly as it came. The next cat to approach was the ghostly rich brown apprentice Plumpaw. I smiled softly at the young cat as she looked up at me with a sweet grin.

"Hi Puddlesplash!" She said with excitement. She didn't seem like her shy self, the young apprentice seemed more confident than last I remember her.

"Hi Plumpaw" I said kindly.

"I hope you train Screechpaw well, and I wanna thank you for helping me through such a rough time in my life" her blue eyes shimmered with a little sorrow before she bounced back to being joyous. I bent down a little as she pressed her nose to my forehead like Spottedsnow previously did. "With this life, I give you the life mentorship. Not only advise and help your own apprentice learn and grow but those who are troubled or struggling, no matter the clan or cat" Plumpaw mewed. Another bolt of pain shot through me, though this felt colder than the life Spottedsnow gave me. I shook a little as Plumpaw took a few steps back and smiled again. "I hope you continue to take on apprentices as you lead your clan". Plumpaw left and by the time the next cat came forward the pain of her life left me. I shivered a little bit before looking up and saw who the next cat was. I was greeted by the sight of Breezeheat, who took my by surprise. Last I saw him he was just a silent ghost cat leading me to Applebrook.

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