Chapter 66: Sagelight

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Barely any cat at the gathering was conversing with other clans while we waited for the leaders to start. Every cat here was angry at another clan. Skyclan was barely here to begin with, I guess they just didn't want to deal with this. Riverclan showed up in a angry fit and were spatting venomous words at Shadowclan and Windclan. Windclan is having a furry stare down at my clan mates, who just want to disappear. And Shadowclan look ready to fight at any given moment. I did see from the corner of my eye Lynxfur and Mudstripe talking. I bet Patchfur would be over with those two if she wasn't busy being deputy. Now that I think of it Maplestar hasn't chosen a new deputy yet. She would have to do it now before moonhigh or it could be considered a bad omen. Not like she cares though... I decided to go talk with Lynxfur and Mudclaw. As I walked over I thought would they want to talk to me? I am an enemy cat. Maybe I shouldn't-

"Hey Sagelight!" Lynxfur greeted enthusiastically.

"Huh-oh Umm hi!" I hadn't realized my paws had a you walked me over while I was in thought. Mudstripe looked at his paws guiltily and I couldn't look at him. Focus on Lynxfur... "I heard Troutscale had your kits! Congrats!"

"Thank you! Snowrush is so happy to have siblings!"

"Your son with Swanfeather is a warrior?"

"Yep! Became one awhile ago! He was so excited for the gathering but..." Lynxfur looked around with a nervous laugh.

"Sagelight I heard about Plumpaw..." Mudstripe mumbled. I went wide eye with hurt and looked down at my paws. "I am so sorry about... about everything... I-"

"It wasn't your fault Mudstripe, I know it wasn't you"


"No don't keep apologizing!" I put on a fake smile. It wasn't Mudstripe, I know that, it still just hurts to know his clan mates killed my daughter... "Flowerbreeze should have had your kits too right Mudstripe?" I asked genuinely.

"Ye-yeah! Two kits; a she-kit and tom"

"How many kits did Troutscale have?"

"Three! A tom and two she-kits!"

"What are their names?" I asked the two fathers.

"Our she-kit we named Hailkit after my father and the tom is named Otterkit" Mudstripe answered solemnly.

"Hey! I named my son after my dad too! Batkit! Then we have Lightkit and Acornkit!"

"They sound beautiful you two!"

"Yeah, I can't wait to spend more time with them in the nursery!" Lynxfur said happily.


"Lynxfur here is gonna be a den-dad because he supporting Troutscale with her decision to become deputy" Mudstripe smiled proudly at his Shadowclan friend.

"Oh wow! Troutscale is the Shadowclan deputy! What happened to Shrewnose her sister?"

"Accident with... yeah let's just say it was gruesome..." Lynxfur mourned.


"Don't be! You were just asking!"

"I can feel our clan mates stare at us" Mudstripe said with an awkward laugh.

"Let them stare I am pissed at Maplestar anyway..." I growled.

"I notice Cardinalrush isn't here, where is she?" Mudstripe asked.

"She died this afternoon" I shrugged. I have no care for that cat.

"Who is deputy now?" Lynxfur inquired.

"No clue," I shrugged again, "Maplestar hasn't made one yet"

"That doesn't seem good" Lynxfur added. The three of us went quiet.

"I miss Puddlesplash" Mudstripe stated quietly.

"Most of my clanmates do... he was a good deputy and kept everything running smoothly even if he was nervous about everything"

"He never seemed nervous, it seemed the role fit him right" Lynxfur commented.

"Well I don't think he is coming back" Mudstripe said sadly. "A patrol caught his scent leaving our territory two moons ago. His, Rushfires, and two other cats"

Screechpaw? Could one of those cats be my missing daughter?

"I never could see Puddlesplash doing that, but I could also see Maplestar pushing Puddlesplash away" Lynxfur added.

"Hey look, the leaders are getting ready to start"

"I also miss Tornpelt, but she is stuck at her camp with kits" Lynxfur added quickly.

"The gathering will commence!" Whitestar voice echoed through the clearing. "The prey is running well in Skyclan! Other than that not much to report!" I could hear some small cheers from Skyclan, but the other clans were mostly quiet about the news. I could tell he was uncomfortable by the tense atmosphere any cat could see amount the leaders.

I bet Patchfur is just as uncomfortable amongst the deputy's as Whitestar is among the leaders. Tinystar stood up and began.

"Shadowclan territory has abundance of prey!" She announced. "Troutscale has had her littler of kits with a Lynxfur! And, thanks to her own dedication, has decided to become my deputy after Shrewnose passed on into Starclan!" A few murmurs of surprise cane from the gathered cats. Every cat here knew that Tinystar supported she-cats who wanted to still complete warrior duties while raising kits but no one could see Troutscale pushing herself that hard.

"Troutscale is gonna show the clans how tough she really is" I smiled at Lynxfur.

"She is gonna push herself beyond that" Lynxfur purred.

"That is all!" Tinystar sat down and I don't think I have seen Briarstar stand up so fast.

"The prey in the rivers are overflowing!" She declared. "I-" Briarstar stopped and looked shock. She was staring at something. The other leaders and warriors were confused and turned around to see what she was staring at. I followed her gaze perplexed at what shocked her. I spotted it, or I should say who, shocked her. A very familiar cream tabby pelt moved through the crowd. Behind him followed a brown and silver pelt, a red and ginger tabby, and-

"Screechpaw!" I called out and raced through the crowd. Pushing cats out of the way. "Screechpaw! Oh Starclan you are fine!" I crashed into my fluffy daughter. Screechpaw yelped in surprise as she was snuggled by me.

"Mom! Mom I missed you!" Screechpaw said after getting over the over the initial shock. I looked up to see Puddlesplash, Rushfire, and the cream tabby staring angrily up at the large oak the four leaders stood at. Right at Maplestar.

That-that can't be Applestar? He doesn't have a missing a leg... unless...

"Hi Mapleclaw!" He called up with a sarcastically cheerful mew.

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