Chapter 68: Puddlesplash

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"I am not going on patrol with Indigocloud" Darkcloud complained. "I can't handle that much attitude for dawn patrol, I would rather take Iceeye than her".

"Aww! And I was really looking forward to going on a patrol with you, the cat with a stick up it's-"

"Guys please..." I said with a tired sullen voice. I turned to Darkcloud first. "I'll have Slatefoot switch over to dawn patrol and Indigocloud here can go on dusk patrol to replace him"

"Thank you deputy" Darkcloud bowed before walking off. Indigocloud glared at him before looking back at me with a guilty look.

"Sorry Puddle" she said sheepishly. "I just really like annoying him"

"Could you do less of it" I mumbled with a blank, numb expression. She nodded and walked off. I just wanna be in my nest... I don't want to deal with this... Applestar was sharing tongues with Flickerleaf, looking to be having an intense but endearing conversation. I didn't watch for long before I looked around elsewhere.

"Hey Puddlesplash?" Eaglepaw came up to me nervously. I perked up and smiled gently.

"What's up?"

"Could you ask Applestar who my new mentor is? I feel like I am falling behind with the other mentors passing me around. I don't wanna be much of a bother-"

"It's fine Eaglepaw, I'll go ask him" I smiled. My reddish brown tabby son smiled kindly at me. I walked over across the clearing. When I got close enough I stopped and cleared my voice. Applestar looked up quickly and actually looked happy to see me.

"Puddlesplash! Hi! How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine just... just empty I guess..."

"I had something to discuss with you actually if you are up for it" Applestar sat up. Flickerleaf sat up as well and licked Applestars check.

"Will talk later, you two boys have fun" he purred before leaving.

"I had something to discuss with you as well" I stated.

"Lets go to my den" Applestar said calmly. I followed up and into his den. I blinked as we entered, adjusting my eyes to the dark of the cave. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Eaglepaw actually, he needs an official new mentor"

"Oh yes! I heard from Slatefoot that he didn't have a great time with Cardinalrush. I think I'll have Whiteleaf finish his training" Applestar said with a stretch. I felt my spirit lift at that news. I remembered what he said earlier.

"You said you had something to talk to me about"

"Yeah" he looked around a little awkward. "Sigh... okay look... this is hard to ask of you but-"

"But what?"

"I am scared you are gonna say no"

"You won't know till you ask" I felt a little worried. What does he want?

"I-I plan on stepping down from leader"


"Look, I feel completely responsible for Mapleclaw and everything she caused. I was warned of her possible actions of killing Foxhop, I could see she had anger issues, yet-"

"Applestar don't blame yourself for that, I trusted her too"

"Puddlesplash I don't want to be leader anymore, the guilt is getting to me and...sigh... and I am not the cat that I was when I became leader" he said gesturing to his missing foot and eye. "I am not fit for this"

"Applestar please, Snailstar made it work with a lame leg" I pointed out, "You can do it".

"Puddlesplash you can't change my mind" he laughed a little, "Flickerleaf warned me you wouldn't like this".

"Applestar please don't step down" I beg.

"There is more to this"

"What do you mean?"

"I know the other clan leaders are gonna ask for retribution, they are gonna blame us for Mapleclaw. Just how they asked Flamefall to step down after the Yellowstar wars". I pinned my ears back at that horrible logic of that.

He is doing it for the safety of the clan...

"But if I am stepping down-"

"You want me, your deputy, to take up leadership of Thunderclan" I interrupted him. I looked up at him with a knowing tired look. "Why me?"

"Why not?" He smiled confidently. "A cat who looks beyond our borders. You are the most caring cat that who knows how to keep our clan safe but respected. Don't think any cat here didn't tell me how much you did for them while Mapleclaw leaded. Who else but a cat who cares for every cat"

"I have had no interest in leading" I mumbled.

"Yet here you are as deputy... twice!"

"Cause I had to support those who I cared about, I had to be there for you"

"And I bet that was the same reasoning that made you accept Mapleclaws offer". I rolled my eyes and laughed nervously.

"How do you know me so well?"

"Cause I trained Mapleclaw alongside you, I was basically your other mentor along with Skyleaf". I watched his face as this overwhelming look of confidence and fatherly love looked back at me.

Am I really a leader? I have panic attacks and I get really nervous. Yeah I am less nervous cause I worked on it when I was younger but still I have relapses and reactions. But this... this an offer of a lifetime... I have cats to honor with this decision.

"If you need to time-"

"I accept" I said as calmly as I could.


"Yes, I am your first choice which I am more grateful about than accepting. But this is something I just can't turn down, I would be stupid to"

"I am glad you are, I'll tell every cat tomorrow or right now if you want?"

"How about today, don't want to put a damper on Eaglepaws new mentor ceremony"

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