Chapter 54: Puddlesplash

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"Bee that isn't a very good fighting stance" I heard Screechpaw advised.

"Than how do you do it?" Bee asked.

"Ugh! Fine I'll demonstrate it again"

"Those two are finally getting along" Rushfire commented as we sat a good distance away. They were near the other entrance to the barn. Bee had asked Screechpaw to teach him a few things. The echo of their practice fighting could be heard from our end.

"Yeah, too bad we are gonna leave Bee. He seems really nice" I muttered.

"Do we have a plan?"

"No... I mean we are heading south to find Applestar but I really don't have a plan" I mumbled.

"Well, you said a Starclan cat is gonna lead us so at least they have a plan"


"There! See that wasn't so hard!" Screechpaw applauded Bee for something good.

"Wow! I pinned a Clan Cat!"

"That's cause I let you fur brain"

"Are you sure we should take Screechpaw? We could leave her here with Bee" Rushfire muttered. I laughed at that.

"Screechpaw is gonna come with us, and it's not like she is gonna listen to us if we tell her to stay at the barn"

"Starclan above I bet Sagelight is worried sick about her" Rushfire said guiltily.

"I bet our own parents are worried about us" I said in a hurt tone. Rushfire pulled me in for a snuggle.

"They know we are safe, and we know they are safe" Rushfire purred sadly. "I highly doubt Mapleclaw will make a play at Skyclan. She can't fight three clans at once even with Riverclans help, so I know my mom will be fine. And Sparrowscar is an amazing fighter, we won't lose easily if he does end up fighting"

"Yellowstar and Flamefall did"

"And they lost remember" Rushfire reassured. I sighed and snuggled deeper into his fur.

"I feel so dumb... for everything..."

"Yeah, you were pretty dumb. But for the right reasons" Rushfire said. "You thought Mapleclaw was still your kit-hood best friend, the good cat you remembered. No one can hold that against you you were just trying to be a good friend and clan mate". I didn't say anything. We laid there for a few moments till Bee and Screechpaw came bounding over.

"Hey guys! Do you wanna go hunting tomorrow?" Bee asked excitedly.  I looked at Rushfire sadly and stood up.

"Bee I am sorry to say but the three of us are leaving tomorrow morning"

"What?! Why?!" Screechpaw and Bee asked.

"Our clan leader, Applestar, is out there. We need to go find him and bring him back" I stated.

"Can't he find his own way back and you stay here?" Bee asked with a pout.

"Is this a quest from Starclan?" Screechpaw asked excitedly. She most likely put two and two together.

"Starclan?" Bee was confused. "Where are they around the lake?"

"Oh! They aren't a living clan! They are our ancestor that have passed on and live in silverpelt!" Screechpaw pointed up at the darkening sky. Bee looked up confused but Screechpaw turned to us.

"So where is Applestar? I don't remember him all that well"

"He is at a stone made twoleg place" I stayed. At this Bee got excited.

"Wait! I know of a place like that! I came from there! Are you thinking off a large stone house folk place?" Bee asked. I was a little surprised, but nodded.

"Yeah..." I looked up at the faint stars. Is this who is suppose to guide me to Applestar? Bee? I really didn't expect an answer. And as if I was right, all the stars did was flicker dimly.

"Why are you looking up at the sky?" Bee asked, looking up too. I shook my head.

"Nothing Bee" I sighed. "Are you willing to take us there?"

"Yeah! Of course! You guys are my new clan friends!"

"Thanks Bee" Rushfire said with a smile.

"Yay! Now I can continue teaching you!"

"Let's get some sleep, we have a long journey" Rushfire advised.


I was curled up into Rushfire sleeping lightly. I flicked my ears at the sound of paw steps and peeked an eye open. I saw a blurry, ghostly red paw. Confused I lifted my head and opened both my eyes. Blinking the sleep away I saw, to my utter surprise and fear, Breezeheat. I almost shot straight up which would have waken up Rushfire and the others. I at least calmed down my bristled fur. I stared into the yellow eyes of the tom with worry.

"Breezeheat?" I whisper. Breezeheat didn't say anything but nodded at Bee. Confused I looked over to where Bee was. The orangish yellow tabby was still sleeping soundly in his hay pile. I clenched my jaw and looked back at the starry cat. "So he is gonna lead us to the stone twoleg place?" I whisper again. Breezeheat nodded. Breezeheat than nodded backwards. Confused I cocked my head. Breezeheat, still not saying anything, left the loft where the hay was. Figuring he wanted me to follow I did. I jumped down from the loft and looked around for Breezeheat. The tom was not here though. "Breezeheat?" I called out quietly. But I didn't see him. I felt disappointed and stupid and was about to jump back into the loft till out of the corner of my eye I saw a flicker of a fluffy ghost tail. It had just left around the corner, leaving the barn. Not wanting to lose Breezeheat I ran after him. I round the corner to not see him. I looked around the open field scanning for Breezeheats ghost. I again, spotted him distantly walking over a hill and disappearing beyond it. I put two and two together and rushed back to the loft. I jumped up into it and shook Rushfire.

"Huha- What's going on?" Rushfire quickly shoot up, looking around with exhausted green eyes.

"We need to go, now" I argued. I went over and shook Screechpaw awake.

"Is it morning already?" Screechpaw groaned.

"Why are we leaving now?" Rushfire said rubbing his eyes.

"We are leaving?" Bee moaned as he lifted his head.

"Trust me, we need to go now"

"Alright, Alright, will go" Rushfire groaned and pushed Bee up. Everyone followed me slowly as we left the barn.

"Ugh! Please can we go back to sleep?" Screechpaw moaned. I ignored them and led them up the hill. Once we reached the top I looked around for Breezeheat. I didn't see him however I felt a little disheartened.

"Sorry guys-"

"Shhh! Get down! Now!" Rushfire whispered hiss. We all dropped and hid in the long grass of the moore. I looked at Rushfire who was watching the area below us. I creeped forward slowly to see what he was staring at. I soon spotted three familiar cats. Even if they were distant, I recognized Mapleclaw, Cardinalrush, and Fireash in the silver moonlight. They were entering the barn.

"Who are they?" Bee asked.

"Bad cats, very bad cats" Screechpaw answered quietly.

"We should go before they find us not there and follow our scent" Rushfire advised. I nodded and we creeped away from the top of the hill. The others followed and once we were definitely it of sight of the barn, we stood up and ran.

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