Chapter 52: Puddlesplash

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Outside, the light of dawn lit up the inside of my eyelids. The dim light slowly woke me up. I flicked my ear and groggily stretched out across the hay. I don't wanna get up... so I rolled back over and curled myself back up. Hoping I could fall asleep again. I heard pawsteps behind next. They were heavy like a cats. I panicked so my eyes shot open and I looked around. The cat jumped up with a squeak and hid behind a pile of hay; however he mostly stuck out cause the pile was so small. He was a young cat, a little over the apprentice age. He was a orangish yellow with extremely dark tabby markings. I saw the toms yellow green eyes when he popped his head up from behind the hay pile. He squeaked again before ducking down.

"Hi?" I said, stretching out before standing up.

"Your one of those cat eating crazies that live around the lake! Please don't eat me I am not very tasty!"

"What? Cat eating?" I crinkled my nose at the thought.

"Please leave!" The tom cat asked.

"I'm sorry, I was just taking refuge for the night. I'll leave though" I bowed a little before taking a few steps to the edge.

"Why aren't you trying to eat me?" The tom asked, I heard him take a cautious step from behind the hay pile. I turned my head to see him and smiled.

"Well, first off Clan cats don't eat other cats. That is just horrific"

"Harmony said you guys did that... and she hasn't ever been wrong" the tom said as he pinned his ears.

"Well has she seen a clan cat eat a cat?" I asked.

"She said that she was attacked by one trying to eat her when she went to the rivers"

"Ah, I see the misunderstanding. Riverclan chased her out of their territory"

"What is Riverclan?"

"A group of crazy cats that live along those rivers nearby" I laughed. The tom stood away from the hay pile now. I could tell he was still nervous but at least he wasn't trying to hide.

"Is that where you're from?"

"Nah, I wouldn't be caught dead fishing. I am from Thunderclan actually. Almost all the way on the other side of the lake from Riverclan"

"You're from the forest?"

"Yep! I'm Puddlesplash by the way"

"I-I'm Bee" he muttered. I noticed he was now staring and my brown and silver pelt. I couldn't help but burn a little from embarrassment. Bee stopped and looked me in the eyes again. "Why are you here?"

"Oh..." I looked away and down below at the dens they put the horses in. "I left... there is a cat there that is doing bad stuff"

"Like eating other cats?!"

"No... no she isn't eating other cats" I mumbled. I shook my head and looked back at him. "I'm sorry if I scared you though, but don't worry I am I am leaving now"

"Your nicer than what Harmony told me"

"Where is this Harmony you keep talking about?"

"Oh, Harmony left a few days ago with Breaker to go and visit their friends in the house folk place" Bee licked his chest comfortably, "they always like to spend days over their before coming back".

"Ah, well when she comes back you can tell her you met a clan cat" I said as I jumped down from the ledge. Bee peeked over the edge.

"You-you're leaving already?"

"I'm gonna hunt a mouse for myself and then yeah, I have to go find a cat"

"Awww" Bee pouted, "could you stay longer? I wanna introduce you to Harmony and Breaker when they get back!"

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