Chapter 30: Sagelight

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"Yargh!" Screechkit yowled as she tackled Eaglekit. Eaglekit grumbled as his bigger littermate tried to pin him. He pawed at his sisters face to try to get her off. I was laying in some shade watching my kits play, or at least three of them while Plumkit places herself far away from them.

"You're not playing right! We are suppose to be chasing the mossball not eachother" Ashenkit groaned dismissively. I laughed as Ashenkit rolled her eyes and brought the ball to Plumkit. My littlest kit sat quietly to the side as she hated playing rough. "Could you throw this for me Plumkit?" Ashenkit asked dropping it at the brown she-kits tiny paws.

"Ok, just don't tackle me please" Plumkit chirped before hooking the ball with her little white claws. Ashenkit smiled and crouched down ready to chase the moss ball once it was thrown. Eaglekit and Screechkit had somehow managed to get half way across the clearing with their rough housing. I paused and watched them, my incrediblely jumbled mother thoughts bouncing around in my head.

Should I go get them? Maybe they are playing too rough? Do cats think I am a bad mom? Ashenkit bolted across the clearing before I could even spot the mossball landing. She leaped onto what I guess is the ball before looking up triumphantly.

"Mom! Did you see how fast I ran?"

"Yep! You where super duper fast!"

"Argh!" Coldheart hissed. I looked over to see my wrestling kits running away from the old medicine cat. Coldheart glared at them before glaring at me. "Your kits need to be more careful Sagelight!"

"Coldheart be nice!" Moonwater hissed at her fellow cat. Her head poked out of the elders den. Coldheart grumbled before wandering off to his medicine cat den. Moonwater shook her head and then turned to me with big smile. It wasn't a playful one, more like a 'You're having a rough time' one instead. I smiled weakly back.

I don't need sympathy...I just need help... I got up with stretch. "Alrighty, lets go play in the nursery"

"Aww, but there is more room out here!" Eaglekit complained.

"Then maybe you two should have played mossball with me instead of getting into trouble" Ashenkit glared at her only brother.

"I don't wanna play a game where Screechkit cheats!"

"I didn't cheat first! You tried tripping me so I just got you back!" I sighed as my the three of them began to bicker.

"Kits, please stop- it is getting-"

"Mommy I am hungry" Plumkit mumbled as she leaned into my side.

"I know sweetie, I'll feed you guys soon"

"Argh! You have a stick up your butt Ashenkit!" Screechkit spat.

"At least I follow the rules Screechkit!"

"Kits! Enough!" I hissed sternly. The three squabbling shut up quickly at my irritation. "We are going to the nursery and we are gonna to eat and settle down for awhile" I guided them to the nursery with my tail. I could hear them arguing at each other in whispered tones but I didn't care right now. I sighed and looked at the sky as my kits went into the nursery. Why do they have to argue so much... I thought as I watched some small fluffy clouds roll in. The sky was bright blue and the breeze carried a crisp cold feeling with it. Even with leaves still falling from last the stone hollow leaf-bare was getting closer. I wouldn't be surprised if we had snow soon.

"Mom!" Eaglekit cried out, "Screechkit clawed me!"

"No I didn't!"

"Yes you did!" Ashenkit chirpped up





I sighed and walked into the nursery. "Eaglekit are you bleeding?"


My kits were in a sleeping jumbled mess, except for Plumkit sleeping off to the side. I stealthily got up and away from them. I left the nursery and quickly took a sigh of relief. I took a seat and looked around camp. Cats where coming back from hunting and border patrols. I saw Pumpkinpaw come running into camp with a large bird. I had never noticed before but the white and orange tabby had long legs like Rushfire. No wonder he caught that bird, he is such a Skyclan cat.

Eaglekit is spunky like Foxhop was... I thought of my little ginger son. But Screechkit has his energy. Plumkit is no where like me or Foxhop, even Ashenkit is different. I looked down at my paws, shaking my head. Stop it... you promised.

"Sagelight?" Applestar mew echoed in my ears. I quickly looked up and pricked my ears. The cream tabby was watching me with concern with his large amber eyes.

"Applestar?! Wh-"

"You look tired, don't you wanna go and sleep?"

"I really shouldn't, if I sleep now I'll be up all night" I laughed anxiously. Do I look that disheveled?

"Well, you can always ask Dawndrop if you need help with your kits" he sat next to me. I didn't even bother looking at him.

"It-it's not that... however Screechkit does snores" we both laughed a little. "I have been struggling with a dilemma and it's keeping me up"

"Wanna talk to me about it? I am your leader so I could give you some insight". I hesitated as the thoughts started running again. Applestar could tell and sighed. "Is it about me?"

"No-no..." we sat in silence as my thought went as fast as the wind. Should I tell him about my suspicion? I haven't even tried getting between Puddlesplash and Mapleclaw but I don't even know if she is 'the' cat. But I mean... it's no coincidence that her anger I saw the day Foxhop became deputy and he says a moon later. But what about Pineclaw and Petalclaw? I mean it's obvious the three murders are connected, even if the one out of the three is distant in compared to time. Mapleclaw blames Pineclaw for her mother's death, but her killing Petalclaw doesn't make sense. Then there is the issue of red fur found in Pineclaws claws, I mean Mapleclaw is a red cat! Also Mapleclaw was the last cat to have seen Petalclaw alive so she could have lied. You know what! Applestar deserves to hear my thoughts...

"You are reminding me of Puddlesplash" Applestars voice pierced my thoughts again. I clenched my jaws and shut my eyes tightly, preparing what I was about to say.

I am accusing the deputy of murder! I am insane!


"I think Mapleclaw did it" I whispered.


"I think Mapleclaw killed Foxhop, and Pineclaw, and maybe even Petalclaw". I looked up at my leader and he was slightly stunned. I can't tell if it's good stunned or bad stunned. Is there a good stunned?

"Sagelight that is a strong accusation, I am all for you figuring your own grief out but blaming our deputy is absurd"

"This isn't grief Applestar, please you have to believe me" I pleaded quietly.

"Mapleclaw was my first apprentice, she has shown to put her clanmates first, and everyone has a temper" Applestar shook his head. "I'll let you be Sagelight, but don't go blaming your clanmates for something none of them would do" Applestar got up and left me sitting their in utter sadness.

If Applestar doesn't believe me then no one would... I don't think Puddlesplash would either... I held back the pain in my chest and was about to enter the nursery again when I spotted Coldheart out of the corner of my eye standing nearby. He was watching me with trust. Wait, does Coldheart believe me? Above thunder could be overheard and I flicked my ears. Another storm... the land flood...

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