Chapter 39: Puddlesplash

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I watched as Ravenclaw and Rainstripe laid out and prepared Coldhearts stiff body. The minute we came back with Coldhearts body Moonwater went straight for her nest. She didn't like other cats seeing her upset, especially her clanmates. I felt the similar upsetting pain tug at me to head to my nest and try and forget everything today. But I forced myself to my paws and walk over to where Maplestar was furiously talking with Snailstar.

I got to talk to her about Coldheart... I could feel this uneasy doubt about her story. Even though it is easy to see that Coldheart must have slipped on ice and hit his head nothing made sense for as to why she had gotten a cut in her shoulder m. Maybe they had an argument? As I approached Maplestar and Snailstar were still deep in their conversation. Should I even be calling her Maplestar? She didn't even complete her trip to the Moonpool and didn't even receive nine lives. The two leaders hadn't seen me approach yet so I pricked my ears to listen.

"How much material will you need to rebuild? We can provide bracken for your walls and such if needed" Maplestar informed, "your camps rebuilding process should be our top priority!"

"Surprisingly, the twolegs were spotted near the landslide clearing it away" Snailstar remarked at the oddity. "I guess it must have gotten to close to the twoleg barn and their horses that they actually felt unsafe"

"So you can't go near?"

"No, I don't trust the twolegs enough not to hurt or take my warriors. I hope it wouldn't be too much for us to stay here? I know we are now starting Leaf-Bare". Snailstar spotted me from the edge of his vision and turned to me. "Oh, hello Puddlesplash" he sounded genuinely pleasant to see me.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" I quickly ask, hoping they didn't notice that I was eavesdropping.

"Puddlesplash! Good I was gonna go looking for you soon" she smiled, "Would you mind telling Snailstar about that hunting idea you brought up last night?". I turned to face the brown dapple leader a bit nervously.

"So... I thought to help alleviate the extra mouths in camp if you and Birchleaf wouldn't mind organizing patrols to hunt on your territory? Though I don't know how you wanna organize border patrols with us being so far from Riverclan"

"Birchleaf is just gonna station a handful of warriors over there to keep up with the border" Snailstar informed me. "But the hunting idea isn't a bad one! Windclan will hunt for our own no problem"

"And don't worry about patrolling our shared border, we will still but just to keep it updated. I don't see the point with all of you in camp and gaining ti station done so far away"

"Thank you Puddlesplash" Snailstar bowed to me, which felt odd getting that kind of respect from some cat I respected a lot. "I'll go reiterate with Birchleaf" and off the Windclan leaders went. Maplestar turned to me as we continued.

"I need to speak with Moonwater about the moonpool, would you mind fetching her and telling her to meet me in the leaders den?"

"Oh! Umm..." I guess she doesn't realize Moonwater needs space right now, but it's ok! She has a lot on her mind and a lot of things to do! "I don't know Maplestar, we just brought Coldhearts body back". My friend looked at me blankly before glancing at Coldhearts still body with the same expression.

"I-I know... I just am worried about certain things"

"Okay" this feels wrong, she should let Moonwater grieve for awhile.

"Have you sent any apprentices for practice today? A lot has happened and I don't want them to dwell on things"

"A few, yes" I informed, "two are scheduled to do border patrols, some have hunting duties and practice today, and I got two apprentices on chores today. Don't worry though, Flutterpaw and Sycamorepaw will be on training tomorrow and I'll have two different apprentices on chores duty". I felt slightly proud with how well I was managing the apprentices and their mentors, wish I could organize the warriors as well as I can them.

"Look at you, doing well managing things" she giggled

"Just trying already not to snap under the pressure that's all" I laughed nervously.

"You are doing your best and that all I can ask for from my best friend and deputy"


"I have a lot to get done, and so do you, so will talk later" she gave me a smile before leaving me sitting alone. I shoved all my annoyance deep down and walked over to the medicine cat den. I pushed my head through the tendrils and my ears were greeted to the sound of sniffling. "Moonwater?"

"Ah-oh umm- hello Puddlesplash" Moonwater was a little startled. The dark grey tabby was quickly trying to stop looking upset and look busy. "I can't talk right now I got to check my herb supply. I was thinking of giving a little bit to Daisyeyes and Fennelpaw since most of theirs was destroyed in the landslides. You can-"

"I'm sorry but I am here cause Maplestar wants to see you right now" I muttered. I felt horrible interrupting my grieving friend but Maplestar would give me an ear full if I didn't. "She said it was very important"

"Oh... umm... okay" Moonwater cleaned and soothed her ruffled fur. Her eyes were red from crying.

"I told her not right now bu-"

"It's okay Puddlesplash, a distraction is good" Moonwater smiled sweetly at me. It was still a fake smile though. "I should go talk to her now if it's that important" she pushed gently passed me and out into the cold day. I ignored my inner thoughts urging me to follow Moonwater and left the medicine cat den in search of some warriors. I didn't get far.

"Hey Puddlesplash!" Rushfire tackled me to the ground in furry of snuggles. I laughed as well at my mate as we unscrambled ourselves and stood up.

"What was that for Rushfire?"

"We haven't spent much time together, and I was getting lonely" he groaned. A bit of guilt rose as I realized how much time I had been spending away from my mate. I hadn't even spent any time with Sparrowscar for awhile, or Sagelight and her kits, or Darkcloud and his sons.

"I'm sorry... I just feel really busy all the time... and this morning was rough... but I don't think there is an excuse"

"Let us be real here, these last few days have been. A spiral if chaos, but maybe we can do something together" Rushfire licked my check.

"What do you have in mind?"

"Tomorrow, a border patrol with our entire family. You, me, Jaggedpaw, Blizzardpaw, Darkcloud, and Sparrowscar"

"That's a lot of cats for a patrol" I laughed nervously.

"Well, who is gonna argue with Thunderclans deputy?" Rushfire pulled me in close and nuzzled my forehead. I forgot how much I loved being around Rushfire, how easy he made everything seem.

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