Chapter 42: Sagelight

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I was keeping my kits secluded to on area of the snow covered clearing. All of this coughing was making me nervous for my kits health. Rainstripe has been moved to the medicine cat den with how hard he had been coughing the other day. I then made the executive mother decision to order Plumkit to stay away from the medicine cat den, much to her dismay.

"Mom, please can I go hang out with Moonwater? I promise to stay clear of Rainstripe and the rest of the sick!" Plumkit asked quietly for the twelfth time. I shook my head and my smallest kit sighed.

"Why don't you come play with us Plumkit?" Eaglekit asked before get a snack of snow to the face thanks to Ashenkit. The silver kit sneered.

"Ha! Got you!"

"Oh yeah?" Eaglekit swung his paw at the ground, sending a snow flying at Ashenkit. She doged and stuck her tongue out at her litter mate. Eaglekit was then hit again with a splatter of snow directed from Screechkit.

"Got you Eaglekit!"

"This isn't fair! Two against one!"

"That's cause its she-cats against toms" Screechkit plopped down into the snow to doge her brothers snow splash as it went over her.

"Which means if Plumkit did join it would be three against one" Ashenkit laughed.

"How about every kit for themselves?" I proposed.

"Ooo! I like that!" Screechkit then eyed Ashenkit and sent a pile of flying snow at her. Ashenkit got hit and hissed.

"Hey! You'll pay for that you traitor!"

"Make me then!" Screechkit started pawing up more snow at Ashenkit. Eaglekit sat off to the side laughing at the teammates turned against eachother.

"Mom-" Plumkit started but I interrupted.

"No, you can't go into the medicine cat den"

"Well, Moonwater just rushed into the Nursery so can I go there?" Confused at Plumkits question I turned my attention to the nursery. Branchtail was pacing outside with Dawndrop trying to keep him calm.

"No, you aren't allowed to till Moonwater is done" I put two and two together

"Aww, why not?"

"Cause Orchidfrost is kitting"

"Really?! Can I go see?" Plumkit asked excitedly.

"No, you can't Plumkit" I sighed. She huffed and started to steam angrily next to me. At least when I say no Plumkit actually listens.

"Mom, I'm hungry" Eaglekit poked my paw to get my attention. I looked at my son and smiled sweetly

"Alright, I'll go get you and your sisters something to eat then"

"Thanks mom!" He smiled back up at me with gratitude.

"Can you see if there is a shrew mom?" Screechkit called out as she pinned Ashenkit under her.

"Screechkit get off! You aren't playing the rules right!" Ashenkit protested. Screechkit gave no acknowledgement to the litter mate under her.

"Screechkit get off your sister" I grumbled, "you four stay here and stay away from the nursery or the medicine cat den"

"Okay mom" Screechkit jumped off Ashenkit. I rolled my eyes playfully and trotted over to the fresh kill pile. Once I got there there wasn't much to look at. A few scrawny mice, an old bird, and a very small squirrel. I sniffed the small squirrel and then picked it up.

This should be enough for me and the kits. I thought and I trotted over to where they were still playing at. I was grateful that they didn't wander off. I noticed how big they had gotten and prideful sadness filled my heart. They will be apprentices by next new-leaf... I thought as I stopped and watched them play from this distance. I don't know how ready I am for that. I made myself move and continued my tiny trip back to my kits.

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