Chapter 61: Puddlesplash

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"Aaa! Watch out!" Beepaw yelled as he jumped out of the way of twoleg feet. Screechpaw, Rushfire, and I were on the side in what Beepaw called an alley. Beepaw jumped back into the alley way and glared at the twolegs. "They have no sense of awareness". The stone paths Beepaw calls sidewalks were less crowded than they were earlier today, but it was still a lot more twolegs than most of us really dealt with. The sun was slowly going down, lighting up the buildings clear surfaces with glittering, warm orange light of sunset. It was pretty, like sunlight on snow, but it didn't make this place bearable.

"Ugh, did you find any food?" Screechpaw mumbled. Her tummy grumbled as she spoke. Beepaw shook his head.

"Sorry, you could have eaten the housefolk scraps I found earlier but you said it smelled like rotten prey"

"Cause it did!" She lashed her tail.

"Will find something later..." I was getting annoyed. We have been wandering around these twoleg stone dens for a few days now, but no sign of Applestar anywhere. The few cats we tried to talking to didn't know or didn't care where our friend was. I squinted my nose at the foul smell of this place as I tried to look for any familiar scent.

"Puddlesplash we have been at this for days," Rushfire spoke quietly while Beepaw and Screechpaw argued about food, "if we haven't found him yet I don't think will find him at all".

"But we have to keep looking" I grumbled. I was getting more annoyed than I should be. "If we give up then we came here for nothing, we left our sons for nothing!" Rushfire could tell I wasn't gonna let up in this. He sighed and looked around.

"Could we continue in the morning? I don't feel any safer in this place during the night and I want to actually sleep"

"Sure..." I looked pass Rushfire and at Beepaw and Screechpaw. "Stop bickering you two! We need to find a place to sleep for the night!"

"Could we please find something to eat first?!"

"I did find something for you to eat! But you didn't want it so you can deal with your rumbly tummy!"

"Ugh this is gonna be a long night" Rushfire groaned.


I sat outside what Beepaw called a box. The box smelled strongly of something sour and one of the corners was soaked in something sticky and just all around nasty. Screechpaw wand Rushfire were already curled up inside drifting to sleep. Beepaw sat grooming himself inside the box.

"You gonna come in Puddlesplash?" Beepaw whispered.

"No, I am gonna take watch. Make sure nothing bad happens"

"Can I with you?" Beepaw asked as he jumped out of the box gently.

"If you want, I am not gonna stop you" I mumbled. I looked down the alley way with a sad look.

"Are you sad cause we haven't found your warrior friend yet?"

"I guess..." I sat quietly there with Beepaw. I could hear Beepaw shuffling nervously behind me.

"Co-could you tell me more about this Starclan of yours?" I looked back Beepaw surprised a little.

"What do you want to know?"

"D-do all dead cats of the clan go there?"

"No not all of them"

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