Chapter 2: Traitor!

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ARN-5506 had sat on his bed for what must have been an hour. He had been contemplating on what he should do. Should he stay with the First Order? Should he defect from the First Order and join the New Republic or even the Resistance? Or should he leave and find his long-lost family? Arn had never known who his family was, as he was taken from them at an early age to serve in the First Order's military. He had never liked the training, as he would been beaten if he made the slightest mistake, They called it discipline. Arn never saw it as discipline, he saw that as abuse.

This was the final straw for Arn. He put his helmet back on, ran through the hallways and into the hangar, He saw that there were a few TIE Fighters that aren't being used. But before he could take one, a First Order officer approached him.

"Hey, who gave you permission to be out here?!" The officer said.

"Uh, um...." Arn stuttered. "The Resistance!... Th-they are attacking the... um... Star Destroyer!"

"That's funny, because Kylo Ren hadn't been informed about anything, and I haven't heard anything about the Resistance attacking." The officer said. "Are you a spy for them?"

Arn didn't want to make another dumb excuse. So he quickly took off his helmet and threw it at the officer's head, knocking him to the ground. Arn quickly ran to one of the TIE Fighters that weren't being used.

"ARN-5506!!! WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?!" The officer screamed. he got out his comlink and alerted General Armitage Hux. "General Hux! There is a traitor within our troopers!"

"What? A traitor?" Hux said through the comlink.

"Yes! He is trying to escape with one of our TIE Fighters!" The officer said.

"We're deploying some Stormtroopers now." Hux said.

Arn got in the TIE Fighter and got the engine started. So he tried to take off but he heard someone shooting at the TIE. Arn looked out the window of the TIE and saw a batallion of Stormtroopers shooting at the TIE. Luckily, the TIE was unhooked and free to take off.

"STOP THAT TIE!!!" The officer yelled as the Stormtroopers started shooting at the TIE.

The TIE Fighter started to take off but before Arn could get the TIE out of the hangar, he shot both the Stormtroopers and the officer, killing them.

In the main control center aboard the Star Destroyer, General Armitage Hux watched as Arn flew the TIE into space, trying to get as far away from the Star Destroyer as possible.

"Activate the turbolasers!" Hux yelled at the other officers in the control center. 

"Yes sir." One of the officers said as he fired the turbolasers at the TIE, attempting to destroy it.

"Oh, you've gotta be kidding me!" Arn yelled as soon as the lasers hit the TIE Fighter, disabling it as it crashed on a desert planet. Arn was never a good pilot. If he was, then he could've avoided the lasers.

The desert-like planet he crashlanded on was called Quasar. Arn heard of a Jedi who survived the destruction of Luke Skywalker's Jedi Temple that went into hiding here. She had escaped from a prison in a stolen TIE Fighter just as he did, except on the planet of Kuro.

Arn escaped the rubble of the destroyed TIE Fighter. He walked away from it and stripped off his armor, leaving only his black bodysuit on. He then rested at a small, destroyed, and abandoned hut. He stayed there only for a few minutes before two bounty hunters arrived. One was a Duros with blue skin, red eyes, and a breathing mask. His name was Gaff Kaylek. The other seemed to be a human with a helmet with red eye pieces. His name was Croll Jenkins.

"Get up!" Kaylek said

Arn looked at them both. "Why should I?" he said.

"Captain Dino wants to speak with ya." Jenkins said.

"Who is that and how does he know who I am?" Arn said, confused.

"He doesn't, we want him to speak with you." Kaylek said.

"That doesn't make any-" Before Arn could finish his sentence, Croll Jenkins grabbed him and put a sack over his head and then put his hands in handcuffs.

"LET ME GO! PLEASE!" Arn shouted. This wasn't what he imagined when he planned to escape the First Order. Instead, he was being captured by two bounty hunters that are taking him to someone that he had never even heard of before. 

Was he going to be executed by Captain Dino? or maybe Captain Dino was affiliated with the Resistance and that he'll make Arn into a Resistance Fighter. But Arn didn't know, and neither Gaff Kaylek or Croll Jenkins told him who Captain Dino was.

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