Chapter 21: Infiltrating the Base

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The probe droid reported to a nearby First Order outpost, multiple Stormtroopers guarded it. The outpost was almost floating over a lava lake. Cantor and Darth Blaze were there, trying to locate any suspicious activity. They knew that something had happened when they saw the probe droid report to them.

"What is it?" Cantor asked. The probe spoke in distorted chirps before it played a recording. It was recording the Shield Squadron as they landed.

"Were you careful when making sure we weren't detected?"

"I hope I was..."

"Well, I hope you were!"

Cantor and Blaze recognized the voice of Jayden Visa as the message ended. They didn't know who the other voices belonged to, but they knew that they belonged to friends of Jayden. They both had shocked expressions on their faces as the probe flew away. Cantor turned around and looked at Blaze, who was standing right behind him.

"Inform Kylo Ren that the Jedi is here! And she has friends..." Cantor told Blaze.

"Yes sir!" Blaze said. He walked away from both Cantor and the probe droid and got out his commlink. Ready to report the situation to Kylo.

"Yep! those are the Stormtroopers that Ackbar told us about!" Draco said. He was on top of a small mountain with Connor, Jayden, Aaron, and AM-76. Draco was spying on Stormtroopers through his electrobinoculars. He handed the binoculars to Connor, who took a glimpse of two Stormtroopers guarding the large door the belonged to the long abandoned Rebel Alliance base.

"And they are guarding the base..." Connor said as he stopped spying through the binoculars. "What do we do?" Connor said as both Aaron and Draco stood up.

"Leave that to us!" Draco said. Jayden looked at Draco, visibly confused on what they are about to do. Draco looked back at Connor.

"Connor, stay with Jayden!" Draco said as both him and Aaron walked away. AM-76 rolled behind them as well. Connor then looked at Jayden, he smiled and blushed. Jayden then rolled her eyes at him.

Draco, Aaron, and AM-76 quietly sneaked towards the two Stormtroopers guarding the base, overhearing their conversation as AM-76 quietly and slowly rolled behind them.

"Hey, did you hear about those smugglers who arrested a Wookiee criminal on Nar Shaddaa?" one of the stormtroopers said.

"No. What happened?" the other Stormtrooper said.

"Well, one of the smugglers-" The stormtrooper's sentence was cut short due to AM-76 electrocuting him from behind, causing him to fall to the ground. The other trooper saw the droid rolling towards him, he backed away in fear until Draco came out of hiding and shot him with his blaster pistol. Aaron ran up to the bodies of the stormtroopers. One was dead, the other was unconscious. Aaron and Draco grabbed the helmets of the stormtroopers off their heads.

"Looks like we got ourselves some disguises!" Aaron said as both him and Draco inspected and put on their Stormtrooper helmets. 

After Draco and Aaron put on full stormtrooper armor, they opened the large shed-like door to the base. They saw that the base was filled with a battalion of Stormtroopers roaming the inside of the base. They knew that something was off with these two so-called 'Stormtroopers'. One Stormtrooper walked up to them.

"Halt! Show me your identification!" the Stormtrooper said. Both Aaron and Draco were sweating underneath their masks.

"I need to see it! NOW!" The stormtrooper demanded. But all of the sudden, Draco and Aaron heard a voice coming from behind them.

"You don't need to see their indentification..." Jayden Visa said. She held her hand outward, performing a Jedi mind trick. Connor stood behind her, with his blaster in hand. The stormtroopers looked at each other confused at first, but they realized that Jayden was the Jedi that the First Order had been looking for.

"Blast her! She's a Jedi!" one Stormtrooper yelled. Jayden activated her sky blue lightsaber as  the stormtroopers started shooting at her, Connor, Aaron, and Draco. Jayden deflected the blaster fire at the Stormtroopers, killing some of them. Connor, Draco, and Aaron got out their blasters and shot back at the stormtroopers. There was a large conflict in the base involving five Resistance fighters, one was a Jedi, one was a pilot, two were disguised as Stormtroopers, and the other was a small and spherical astromech droid, all against a battalion of Stormtroopers.

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