Chapter 26: Commence the Attack!

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The Resistance were fighting for their lives against the First Order. While Jayden went to go find Connor and bringing him back to the base, Multiple AT-M6s showed up and attacked the base, but Draco took care of a few of them with a blaster cannon. Draco was the first person to see Jayden running into the base. She was lugging a badly burned, bruised, and bloodied Connor.

"Medpac! I need a medpac!" Jayden yelled. Draco stopped fighting and ran towards Jayden and Connor. He got on one knee and grabbed Connor's unconscious body off of the ground as he stood up.

"What happened to him?" Draco asked.

"I saw his X-Wing crash into the ground and..." Jayden paused for a moment. "He may have gotten shot down and he crashed." Draco put Connor's arm around his shoulder and dragged him towards the medical room, where Major Harter Kalonia treats injured soldiers.

"Major Kalonia? We have a patient." Draco said as he entered the medical room and layed Connor on a bed.

"My goodness! What happened?!" Major Kalonia asked in shock.

"He crashed an X-Wing." Draco said. "Can you please treat him?"

"Of course I can!" Kalonia said. "Just wait outside."

"Got it!" Draco said. He ran outside, got out his twin blaster pistols, and started shooting more Stormtroopers that were invading the base. Jayden, Aaron, AM-76, who was now in a new body, and a few other Resistance troopers helped Draco out.

"Hey! Draco!" Aaron asked.

"What is it?" Draco said.

"Why were you carrying Connor around your back? Did something happen to him?" Aaron asked.

"He crashed his X-Wing." Draco responded.

"Oh. Ok." Aaron said as the two of them got back to fighting.

Cantor was aboard a Star Destroyer in Malu's atmosphere, watching the entire battle play out from below. He noticed that the First Order's forces were losing, but they had won against both the Resistance and the Republic's air forces. How was this possible? Cantor was agitated! Cantor turned from the window and yelled at a First Order officer

"Commence the attack! NOW!" Cantor yelled before he turned back to the window.

"Yes sir!" an officer said as he and other officers pressed a few buttons to activate the Star Destroyer's cannons.

"Let's see how durable their base really is!" Cantor muttered.

The Resistance stopped fighting the First Order when the Stormtroopers began retreating. Everyone was confused about what was going on. But all of the sudden, the ground started shaking. Leia felt a disturbance in the Force, so did Jayden. Leia walked towards the door of the base, Jayden deactivated her lightsaber and followed her. Draco, Aaron, and AM-76 followed them. Once they arrived to the door, they were all horrified to see what was going on!

Cantor's Star Destroyer was bombarding the entire area of the Resistance base with blaster fire! Lava lakes exploded! The ground exploded! Everything around them was being destroyed! If this kept going at the same rate as now, their base will soon collapse on top of them and be destroyed, killing everyone inside. Cantor watched from above inside the Star Destroyer, sadistically smiling as everyone was suffering.

But all of the sudden, the blaster fire raining from the sky stopped in midair. Somebody was using the Force to save everyone from the blaster fire.

"Jayden? Are you doing that?" Leia asked.

"No. What about you?" Jayden asked.

Leia didn't respond. When everyone turned around, they noticed a hooded figure, who seemed to be an older female not much older than Leia standing behind everyone. She was the one using the Force to stop the blaster fire.

Cantor watched all of this unfold. He was surprised about what was going on. He walked away from the control bridge and towards the hangar bay. Getting into a First Order Shuttle similar to Kylo Ren's and took off out of the hangar bay as the mysterious hooded figure shot the blaster fire back at the Star Destroyer, blowing it up and killing everyone on it.

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