Chapter 31: The Meeting

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On a Star Destroyer over the planet of Ilum, the origin point of Starkiller Base, Kylo Ren led the Knights of Ren through the halls of the Star Destroyer. Two Stormtroopers noticed this and were amazed by the knights' arrival.

"It's the Knights of Ren!" one of the Stormtroopers said.

"Whoa!" the other Stormtrooper said, looking at the knights.

Before Kylo went into a conference room, he told his knights to wait outside until further notice. "We lost the battle of Malu..." Kylo said, unusually calm under his mask. "The Supreme Leader shall be informed about our loss."

"We lost to the Resistance? A small army that is yet so powerful? There's no way we could've lost." General Hux said.

"There is a way...." Kylo said as he turned around, walking around the conference table. "A Jedi was there... Not just one, but two. A master and an apprentice..." Kylo mumbled.

"A Jedi Master? Perhaps it could be Skywalker? And the apprentice..." General Enric Pryde said.

"No... The master was the legendary Fennec Visa." Kylo said as he stopped behind General Pryde's seat. "And her apprentice, was her daughter, Jayden Visa."

"But that's impossible! You killed Fennec Visa!" a female First Order officer said.

"I thought I did kill her..." Kylo said, overwhelmed. "It's a miracle that she could've been alive!"

"Indeed it would be. She was killed by Cantor during the Battle of Malu. So we only have one Jedi left to kill, Then the Resistance will be venerable enough to destroy if she is on their side." General Pryde said. The Knights of Ren then walked into the room just as Pryde finished talking, causing everyone present at the meeting aside from Kylo Ren to look astonished and shocked.

"Prepare to crush any worlds that defy us!" Kylo said, raising his voice. " After I go and check on Cantor, The Knights of Ren and I will go and hunt down the Jedi, and possibly recruit a more powerful ally,  cyborg trained in the arts of lightsaber combat."

Kylo Ren walked out of the room and went into a medical chamber, where two medical droids one of which was a 2-1B medical droid, were operating on a bald and burned Cantor, who was bandaged up. Kylo removed his helmet and set it on a tray filled with ashed from people that the First Order has killed, some of which belonged to civilians from the attack on a village on Darothar.

"How are you doing?" Kylo said.

"I-I'm doing fine... I guess..." Cantor said, before coughing.

Kylo looked up at the medical droids. "How bad are these injuries."

"He looks badly burned on the outside, but on the inside he's fine. Somehow, the burns did not damage his respiratory system. He will not need to use life support." the 2-1B medical droid said.

"That is the first good news I have heard in a while..." Cantor said, before coughing again.

"I'll check on you later." Kylo said, before leaving the medical room and both him and the Knights of Ren were once again seen walking down the halls of the Star Destroyer, before heading to the hangar bay and deploying a transport, with Kylo himself and the Knights of Ren in it. They were ready to attack and ravage multiple worlds, and perhaps to recruit this cyborg that Kylo Ren spoke of at the meeting.

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