Chapter 17: I Know Where You Are

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Jayden woke up from a deep slumber to see a tall figure at her bed. She freaked out for a few seconds, before realizing that it was Fennec, but what was she doing up so late?

"Mum?" Jayden asked, she was tired and could barely keep her eyes open.

"Get up. Now!" Fennec said as she began to walk outside. "Time for more training!" Jayden slowly got up from her bed, put her clothes on, grabbed her lightsaber, and walked outside.

Jayden and Fennec walked back into the same cave that they trained in. It was darker than usual due to it being nighttime outside. Jayden activated her lightsaber as a light source. The cave's walls were now lit up by a sky blue light coming from the weapon.

"What do you want me to do?" Jayden asked.

"Deactivate your lightsaber, then I will tell you." Fennec said.

"But, I won't be able to see!" Jayden said.

"Just deactivate it..." Fennec said. Jayden deactivated her lightsaber, Now she was unable to see.

"Sit down Jayden." Fennec told her. Jayden sat down cross-legged on the floor. She knew that she was going to be meditating for some reason.

"Now, I know you haven't been using the Force for almost two whole years now." Fennec said. "So, I want you to try and tap into the Force by using meditation."

"I was meditating when I first found out you were alive. You spoke to me." Jayden said.

"I know that." Fennec said. "You need to try again." Fennec walked out of the cave. Now Jayden was on her own, She closed her eyes, thought of peaceful things, until Jayden began hearing more voices. However, these voices were too hard to make out. They were more like whispering to Jayden. They got louder and louder until Jayden was able to make them out.

"There is no emotion, There is peace..." It kept repeating that exact sentence. Jayden recongnized it as the Jedi Code. Jayden then opened her eyes, albeit she was no longer in the cave. It appeared that she was aboard a Star Destroyer. Jayden saw Cantor in the distance. He reached out for Jayden, grabbing her with the Force. 

"I know where you are..." Cantor said as he pulled Jayden towards him, his voice seemingly echoing over the ship. This started to freak Jayden out.

"How do you know?!" Jayden said, her voice was also echoing.

"I feel your presence..." Cantor said. "On Ti'kal, a secluded planet in the Unknown Regions." Jayden began to panic. She did not want Ti'kal to end up just like Quasar, obliterated and void of all life across the entire planet.

"This is all just a misunderstanding, I'm not there! You don't even know where I am!" Jayden yelled. Of course, all of that was a lie. She lied to protect herself.

'We shall see..." Cantor said. 

Jayden then woke up from meditating. She was terrified as she could be.

"They know where I am..." Jayden repeated. She ran outside to warn Fennec, Connor, and Aaron of what's to come.

"MUM!!!" Jayden yelled. Fennec turned around to see Jayden behind her.

"Jayden, what's wrong!" Fennec said, she was both worried and confused.

"The First Order knows where I am!" Jayden said. Fennec had figured out what was going on, Jayden was a fugitive on the run from the First Order. Connor and Aaron had stepped out of the huts that they slept in to see what was happening. Every single member of the Shield Squadron is in trouble, and they knew it.

Star Wars: Recruits from Redemptionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें