Chapter 12: On The Razor

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Everything was quiet inside of the Razor. The only noise that was heard was the sounds of the engine and the hyperdrive running.

Draco Frierza and Connor Jade Terranove sat down at the couch and played Dejarik on the holochess table, quietly.

Aaron Obyonek sat in the floor in the corner of the main living area, quietly. AM-76 was next to Aaron, beeping quietly.

In the cockpit, Oberon Takin and Shira Daheli piloted the ship, quietly. Jayden Visa was standing behind them as Shira and Oberon had a small conversation as they piloted the ship through hyperspace.

"Shira, All of that planet was destroyed. Wasn't it?" Oberon said. Shira then sighed. 

"I don't know what to say." Shira said.

"It was only half of the planet. No one could've survived that explosion." Jayden said. Oberon turned his seat around, he was confused on why Jayden knew that only half of the planet was destroyed.

"How do you know?" Oberon said.

"I-I felt it through the Force." Jayden said. Oberon and Shira looked at each other in disbelief, They never were believers in the Force. They thought it was a false religion, just a bunch of mumbo jumbo.

"Jayden, the Force isn't real." Oberon said.

"It is. I've used it before!" Jayden said. "I swear!"

"Prove that the Force is real!" Shira yelled. Jayden unhooked her lightsaber from her belt and laid it in the hallway. Jayden then walked back to the cockpit, she closed her eyes and then she put her hand out, reaching for the lightsaber. The lightsaber began to shake. Jayden kept reaching out for her lightsaber until it flew from the floor and into her hand.

"Now do you think the Force is real?!" Jayden asked. Oberon and Shira didn't listen.

"You don't know anything about the Force!" Jayden said, angrily. She walked away as Oberon and Shira turned their seats back around and went back to their duties.

Connor looked up from the holochess table and saw Jayden storm off to her room. He tried to stand up so he could follow her but Draco grabbed his shoulder.

"Leave her alone, she's having a rough day." Draco said.

"Right." Connor said as he sat back down to play holochess again.

Jayden pressed the buttons to open the door. She sat on her bed as she noticed the holocron sitting next to her, it was glowing and making faint whispering noises. She held it in her hand and closed her eyes. The holocron began to float and open. The hologram that she watched with Captain Dino continued where it left off. 

Jayden saw Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano activate their blue and green lightsabers respectively and they started dueling. Jayden got up from her bed and she sat in the floor, in a cross-legged position. 

Jayden closed her eyes and began to meditate. Those faint whispering noises from earlier started to get louder, until Jayden could make out what they were saying.

"One man couldn't have done this alone!" The voice of Darth Maul said.

"What you need is what you already have. Unfortunately, you seem to be letting it all go." The voice of Obi-Wan Kenobi said.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to." The voice of Kylo Ren said.

"I am a Jedi, like my father before me." The voice of Luke Skywalker said.

"The time to fight is now!" The voice of Jyn Erso said.

"Never tell me the odds!" The voice of Han Solo said.

"To defeat your enemy, You must know them." The voice of Grand Admiral Thrawn said.

"In the heart of a Jedi lies their strength!" The voice of Kanan Jarrus said.

"I won't lose you Padme." The voice of Anakin Skywalker said.

"How we choose to fight is just as important as what we fight for." The voice of Ezra Bridger said.

"This is the way." The voice of Din Djarin said.

"It's energy. Surrounds us, binds us..." The voice of Yoda said.

"Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, You're my only hope!" The voice of Leia Organa said. But then, a voice that could haunt any Jedi had made it into Jayden's head.

"At last the work of generations is complete. The great error is corrected. The day of victory is at hand. The day of revenge. The day of the Sith!" The voice of Emperor Palpatine said. Jayden couldn't handle this. She opened her eyes and screamed in pain and fear as she fell to the ground, unconscious.

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