Chapter 28: The Final Showdown

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Cantor stopped walking towards the Resistance base as he saw Jayden and Fennec walk out of the base He stopped about ten feet way from them. Once he noticed the two Jedi standing there, he activated his lightsaber, revealing a crimson blade glowing across his robes and the ground.

"You think you can come back to save me." Cantor said. "You're too late! I am now one with the Sith!"

"You call yourself a Sith." Fennec began. "But the Sith are unrepentant, remorseless. You're haunted by the past. Your very existence..." she said with a few slow steps toward Cantor. Jayden walked alongside Fennec.

"I have no regrets!" Cantor gritted his teeth and shouted, also walking up to Fennec. However, they stopped within 7 feet of each other.

"You lie." Fennec responded. "Until you sever yourself from the past, your fate will be the same as theirs." Fennec pointed at burned and charred skeletons nearby the lava lakes and rivers also flowing with lava. This angered Cantor. He raised his crimson lightsaber and ran towards both Fennec and Jayden, who both activated their green and sky-blue lightsabers respectively. Fennec with green, Jayden with sky-blue. The three of them clashed sabers multiple times. A duel between the three of them had begun.

Connor, Aaron, Draco, C-3PO, AM-76, and General Leia all watched the duel unfold. Connor wanted to go help them, but Leia grabbed him by the shoulder to prevent him from helping them, as he would get killed.

"Don't..." Leia said. "If you go out there, Cantor will slaughter you. He may slaughter us all next."

Connor looked at Leia, then at Draco, AM-76, and Aaron, back at Jayden and Fennec dueling Cantor. He looked at them worried that one of the Jedi would soon die at the hands of Cantor.

Jayden threw her lightsaber at Cantor. But Cantor immediately saw the sky-blue lightsaber fly towards him, immediately catching its hilt. Following Jayden's attempted attack, Cantor threw Jayden's saber back at her. But Jayden caught its hilt.

"Impressive moves. Where did you learn them?" Cantor asked.

"I learned them from my mother." Jayden responded. Fennec leaped into the air behind Cantor, attempting to backslash him. But Cantor blocked the attack with his lightsaber, he then turned around facing Fennec, locking sabers with her.

"I'll handle this Jayden! Now! RUN!" Fennec yelled. She then looked back at Cantor. "Snoke taught you well..." she said.

"He has taught me great many things!" Cantor said. "When I left you, I was but the learner! Now, I am the master!"

"You haven't completed your training yet! You're just an apprentice." Fennec told him. Now Cantor was really angry! He then bashed his lightsaber at Fennec's head, stunning her and causing her to deactivate her green lightsaber, it fell out of her hand and started plummeting to the ground. Cantor caught the saber before it could hit the ground. Cantor activated the green blade and thrusted it into Fennec's abdomen, impaling her.

Jayden herad the sound of Fennec grunting in pain. She turned around and saw her own mother on both of her knees, with Cantor holding Fennec's own green lightsaber going right through her gut. When Jayden saw this, she felt as if her heart stood still and so did time and space.

"Mum... NO!" Jayden yelled, a tear ran down her cheek as she saw Cantor eject the lightsaber out of Fennec.

Fennec's body fell to the ground. But before it could hit, the body disappeared, only leaving behind a brown robe.

Fennec Visa had become one with the Force.

Jayden dropped to her knees and began crying. Everyone in the Resistance base watched this all happen. Connor had a shocked look on his face, his hand was on his heart, which he felt like it was going to pump out of his chest. Aaron and Draco both had their hands on their heads, unable to accept the truth of what had just happened. Leia put her hand on her heart, saddened and shocked. She put both of her hand over her mouth, and then her eyes. Leia was about to cry.

Cantor deactivated both lightsabers and kneeled on one knee and inspected Fennec's robe, seeing if there was any remains of her body. There was nothing to be found. Fennec Visa's body had completely disappeared.

"My old master..." Cantor began. "How I feel so guilty for killing you..." Cantor gripped Fennec's lightsaber in his hands by its hilt, mourning his old Jedi master. But the lightsaber began to shake. The saber flew out of Cantor's hands and into someone else's. Jayden, Cantor, and every Resistance member noticed that the person who caught Fennec's saber was none other than Connor Jade Terranove himself. Jayden and Cantor knew what this meant, that Connor was in fact, Force-sensitive.

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