Chapter 24: Let The Battle Begin!

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As the battalion of ten Forcetroopers walked into the base, They noticed that no one was present inside the base, or as it seemed. The Forcetroopers noticed that holocomputers and ships were present inside the base. This made the Forcetroopers feel uneasy. They all knew people were indeed watching them.

"I thought this place was abandoned..." one Forcetrooper said.

"Yeah, why is there Resistance equipment here?" another Forcetrooper said.

"Possibly the Jedi that we were sent to find is here and maybe she's helping the Resistance?" a third Forcetrooper said.

"That's highly plausible. Why don't we find her?" a fourth Forcetrooper said. As they heard this conversation, Draco, Aaron, and Jayden were all planning how they were going to surprise these specialized Stormtroopers.

"On my signal, Draco will stand up and start shooting the Forcetroopers, followed by Aaron. After you all do your thing, I will sneak up, activate my lightsaber, and then I'll take the remaining Stormtroopers out. Got that?" Jayden whispered quietly. Draco and Aaron nodded.

"Sounds like a plan." Aaron said.

"Yeah, what he said." Draco responded. The trio looked up and saw the Forcetroopers begin to leave the base, disappointed that they had nothing, Not the Jedi, or the Resistance despite their supplies and ships being there. Jayden then raised her fist. This was Draco's time to attack. Draco quickly stood up and began shooting them, causing four of them to be killed. The survivors activated their white lightsabers before two of them were shot with a First Order blaster rifle by Aaron, followed by other Resistance soldiers who came out of hiding. One Forcetrooper ran to the corner to inform the First Order about what is going on.

"Inform Lord Cantor that both the Jedi and Resistance is here, and they have-" the Forcetrooper's sentence was cut short by a sky-blue lightsaber blade that impaled him right through the chest. Jayden ejected her lighsaber shortly after, killing the Forcetrooper. She attacked and killed the other surviving Forcetroopers. Jayden ran towards and decapitated the last Forcetrooper with her lightsaber. A large army of Stormtroopers ran into the base, ready to attack the Shield Squadron and the rest of the Resistance fighters.

"Do you have a plan B?" Aaron asked Jayden. Instead of responding, Jayden activated her lightsaber as the Stormtroopers began shooting at her, Jayden deflected the blaster fire back at them, killing them. Other Resistance fighters, including Draco, Aaron, and the soldiers also fired back at them, killing more Stormtroopers.

"I wonder how Connor is doing!" Draco yelled at Jayden.

"I'm sure he's handling this well!" Jayden responded.

"I'm sure he is too!" Aaron said.

All of the Forcetroopers sent out to find Jayden were all dead. But one had sent out a transmission to the First Order. A First Order officer aboard the Finalizer walked towards Kylo Ren, who was standing at the window of the control bridge.

"Sir! Resistance ships approaching!" the officer said.

"Our fleet will arrive shortly. They'll handle them." Kylo responded.

The fleet of Resistance ships consisted of about twenty ships. Mostly X-Wings, Y-Wings, A-Wings, and Resistance Bombers. Connor was in one of the X-Wings, a brownish-green one.

"It's just one Star Destroyer, no big deal." Connor said. five other Star Destroyers jumped out of hyperspace behind the Finalizer, Both the fleet of Star Destroyers and the Finalizer deployed multiple TIE Fighters.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me!" Connor said as he leaned back in his X-Wing and sighed.

"Lock X-foils in attack position and give this everything you got!" the Resistance fleet's leader said. All of the Resistance ships launched foward and began shooting at the TIE Fighters, destroying a lot of them.

"WOO! YEAH!" Connor yelled as he shot down a TIE Fighter.

"Don't celebrate too soon kid, They'll need reinforcements soon." Ello Asty said.

Kylo Ren watched in anger aboard the Finalizer. He took off his helmet and threw it on the floor. All the officers watched him rage as he stormed off to the main hangar bay.

"Prepare my ship! And get more reinforcements!" Kylo yelled at two officers, who walked behind him. One of them followed him to the hangar to get his TIE SIlencer ready, and the other went to inform more TIE Fighter pilots that they need more reinforcements.

The Battle of Malu had officially began.

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