Chapter 7: Captured by Pirates

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The pirates put every member of the crew's hands into handcuffs, They didn't bother doing anything with AM-76, as he just watched in fear as the pirates grabbed his master and his new friends.

"Are you all out of your minds? We are clearly no friends of the First Order!" Connor yelled.

"Captain Dino needs to speak with a Jedi who goes by the name of 'Jayden Visa'. We think she's with y'all. Is that correct?" one of the pirates said, it was a female who had her black hair put up in a ponytail, a brown jacket with a white shirt on underneath. Her name was Jolt. Everybody looked at Jayden, nobody told on her. But Jolt knew that the girl everybody was looking at was indeed the Jedi that they've been looking for.

"Uh, I swear that the Jedi you're looking for isn't me!" Jayden said. "The Jedi have been extinct for almost 2 years! I think you've clearly got the wrong crew! Can you just let us go? Please?" she said.

However, Jolt wasn't buying it. She could tell that Jayden had a red kyber crystal hanging from her necklace, a metal cylinder that seemed to be a lightsaber hanging from her belt, and gray Jedi robes that were hidden under a bandolier and a brown jacket.

"Take all of them away! Now!" Jolt exclaimed. All of the Shield Squadron, Jayden, and Connor stood up and the pirates began to grab them and take them away. AM-76 rolled up to a pirate and tazed him.

"OW!!! STOP THAT!!!" the pirate yelled, he then kicked the poor droid into the Razor. AM-76 tried to escape the ship and follow Connor and the rest of the gang, but the pirate closed the door on him. The pirate looked behind him and saw Jolt walking off into the distance with the Shield Squadron, whom they took as prisoners. The pirate casually followed them.

The crew was forced to walk for hours, It was sunset by the time they arrived at their destination, which was Captain Dino's rebel base. The base was a large castle, mainly made out of sandstone. It looked beautiful to Jayden's eyes, as it reminded her of old Jedi Temples that she had visited with Master Skywalker and her mother, Fennec. However, it looked drab to Connor's eyes. Draco, Oberon, and Shira all thought the same thing.

"Heh, This place looks like a wreck!" Draco said. Jolt put a bag over his head in anger. Shira then looked at Draco, who had a bag over his head.

"Yeah, I could say the same thing..." Shira said. Another pirate put a bag over her head as well. Oberon looked at both Draco and Shira, who both had bags over their heads now.

"Are we not allowed to speak during this journey or-" Oberon's sentence was cut short by a pirate putting a bag over his head. Connor and Jayden kept their feelings to themselves. They were silent to whole trip.

Once they arrived directly in front of Captain Dino's rebel base, Jolt slapped the spines of every member of the Shield Squadron, causing them to fall to their knees. She slapped Connor first, Shira last. Two pirates came out of the castle to see what Jolt had in store for them. One of the pirates seemed human, but no one could tell due to the fact that he had a scarf over his face. and the other one was a Urodel.

"Well, well, well..." the human pirate said. "What do we have here?"

"Ralo, we didn't get just the Jedi. We got her entire crew!" Jolt exclaimed.

"This is not my crew! Now, Let us go! NOW!" Jayden yelled in anger.

"Aha... I see..." Ralo said.

"What are we going to do with them?" the Urodel said in a different language. His name was Olli, Although he didn't speak Galactic Basic like humans and some other species, he spoke in a language that was native to his species.

"How about we put the crew in a cell and they will be held for trial in the morning." Jolt said. Ralo and Olli seemed very satisfied by the plan.

"But what about the Jedi?" Ralo asked. Jolt had to think to herself for a moment. Jayden knew that they were talking about her. She looked at Connor in the eyes and then at Jolt, who had just made her decision.

"Bring her to Captain Dino, where he will have a word with her!" Jolt said. The pirates then picked their prisoners back up to their feet and separated Connor and the rest of the Shield Squadron from Jayden Visa. The crew were put into one cell, which was too small for four different people, and Jayden was taken in the opposite direction to Dino's quarters, She had known Dino at one point, but she didn't know if he'd wanted to see her again due to her mother training her to become a Jedi. Jayden was then let go by one of the pirates, who was a strong and burly Lasat.

"If ya wanna see him, go right in!" the Lasat said. However, Jayden was nervous to see Dino for the first time in forever, but she was tempted to press the buttons that opened the door, and so she did, and then she went inside, wondering what was in store for her.

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