Chapter 3: Pilot Gone Missing

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Everything was peace on the capital planet of the New Republic, Hosnian Prime. That is until three large Star Destroyers loomed over the planet's surface, Since the New Republic knew that the First Order had been trying to destroy the Republic for almost 9 years, but everyone already knew that things would get ugly every time the First Order arrived to the planet.

In one of the large military bases that house all aviation forces on the planet, the loud intercom broadcasted itself all across the building. "ALL NEW REPUBLIC AIR FORCES! THE FIRST ORDER IS HERE! MOVE OUT!" it said. Two young pilots were in the middle of a conversation until the flight director on the intercom broadcasted his message. One of the pilots was a teenage human male with blonde hair and a green pilot suit. The other was a pink and female Twi-lek with a white and brown pilot suit that was different from all of the other pilot suits.

"Well Kaia, It looks like the First Order wants us to fight them again. Great... And I still haven't completed my training yet. Boy am I gonna be a bad pilot!" the male said as he sighed, He sounded like he obviously didn't want to go out and fight the First Order on a day that he would be training, now that training was cut short thanks to the First Order.

"Connor, you'll be fine! I haven't seen a pilot that was horrible at flying since..." Kaia said, she tried to think of the last time she had witnessed a horrible pilot do something incredibly stupid, but she could never think of a time she saw one. "I-I've honestly never seen one!" Kaia said. One X-Wing pilot ran up to Connor and Kaia, he clearly saw the two pilots talking. 

"Can you two lovebirds quit talking and get to your X-Wings?!" the pilot yelled.

"Yeah, sorry about that." Connor said to the pilot.

Connor looked around and saw the other pilots getting into their X-Wings and flying out of the hangar and off into the distance.

"Looks like this is it then..." Connor said, nervously. "I'm going to die..."

"You'll be fine!" Kaia said as she touched Connor's shoulders with both of her arms, and then attempting to kiss him, before Connor leaned back to avoid the kiss.

"Ugh! Can we just get to our X-Wings and get outta here?" Connor said.

"Yeah that sounds alright." Kaia said. Both of them ran in the opposite directions to their X-Wings and hopped into the cockpits. Kaia winked at Connor, but Connor just saluted her. "May the Force be with you." he said as the cockpit window started to close.

"You too." Kaia said, also saluting him as her cockpit window started to close. Their X-Wings began to lift off of the floor and out of the hangar. They were the last of the X-Wings to leave the planet.

Over the planet, the X-Wings approached the Star Destroyer. Nobody was fighting yet, but the Star Destroyer that belonged to Darth Blaze began receiving a transmission from the fleet's leader.

"Sir, you are receiving an incoming transmission" one officer said.

"Patch it through." Blaze said as the officers began the transmission. "This is Darth Blaze of the First Order! Your fleet is about to be obliterated! Tell your precious little Resistance you love helping so much that there will-" Blaze was cut off by an older man, who was the flight leader.

"And this is Captain Wedge Antilles of the New Republic!" he said. "We don't want to fight you, We just need to tell you all to pack up and get out of here! You can't just come over here when ever you want and blow stuff up, right?" What Wedge said to Blaze really ticked him off.

"OPEN FIRE!!!" Blaze yelled at the officers. The Star Destroyers began firing at multiple X-Wings destroying them, one of which was Kaia's X-Wing.

"I'm hit! Connor! go on without-" Kaia yelled as her X-Wing started to burst into flames and explode. Kaia was dead. "NO!!! KAIA!!!" Connor yelled and cried, he was just as angry as Blaze. Multiple TIE Fighters came out of the hangars of the Star Destroyers to destroy what was left of the fleet, which were only about a few X-Wings, no more than ten small starfighters.

"AM-76! PUNCH IT!!!" Connor yelled, his red, white, and blue droid activated the engine to go faster than normal toward the TIE Fighters.

"Connor Jade Terranove! Report back here at once, That is an order! We must fall back!" Wedge yelled.

"Sorry, I can't do that!" Connor yelled as fast as he could while destroying most of the TIE Fighters.

"What is that kid doing?!" one of the X-Wing Pilots yelled.

"I have no clue, but he's an incredibly skilled pilot!" Wedge said, both agitated and impressed at the same time.

Connor had destroyed all of their fleet except one, which flew back into the hangar. this made Darth Blaze even more angry than he already was, he activated his lightsaber and pointed the crimson blade at an officer's neck.

"Open. FIRE!" Blaze yelled, angrily. The officer was nervous, his forehead and palms were sweaty, "M-more TIEs or use th-the cannons?" he said.

"USE. THE. CANNONS!!!" Blaze angrily yelled. he then deactivated his lightsaber so the officer could press the buttons to operate the cannons, which started firing on Connor's X-Wing. However, he dodged most of the blasts.

"Fall back!" Wedge yelled, Every other surviving pilots began flying back to the surface of Hosnian Prime.

"Wait, what about Terranove?" a pilot asked, referring to Connor. Wedge looked back through his window as he saw Connor's X-Wing being damaged badly.

"Connor? Get back here!" Wedge yelled, but there was no response. but he looked behind himself, through his window once again, he saw Connor's X-Wing being disabled as it flew at a very fast rate, tumbling through the void of space before it was unable to be seen again.

"I think he's dead guys... Let's go back home" Wedge said, as him and the other pilots went back to the surface. The Star Destroyers also jumped into hyperspace.

Connor was still alive in his X-Wing. However, he felt sick from all of the tumbling through the deep void of space, his droid beeped in terror as it saw a large desert planet. This was the planet of Quasar, the X-Wing was headed straight for that planet.

"YES, I KNOW THAT THERE IS A PLANET IN FRONT OF ME!" Connor screamed in fear. He ended up entering the atmosphere and crashing. The wreck of his X-Wing ended up partially buried in the sand dunes of Quasar.

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