Chapter 27: The Jedi Returns

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The hooded figure took a breath as the remains of Cantor's Star Destroyer crashed to the ground and exploded. Everyone turned around as they saw this woman remove her hood, revealing the face of Fennec Visa, mother of Jayden Visa.

"Mum!" Jayden said. "Y-You came back!"

"You didn't have to do this Fennec." Leia said.

"Leia, I had to." Fennec responded. "Without me, all of you would've died. All of you." Draco stepped forward and put his hand out. He was honored to meet a Jedi Master.

"It's an honor to meet you, Master Jedi." Draco said as Fennec shook his hand. "I'm very sorry that my other friends, Oberon Takin and Shira Daheli, never got to meet you. You could've proved to them that the Jedi were real after all..." Fennec sighed once Fennec said that. 

"My condolences..." Fennec said. "It would've been a great honor for them to meet a Jedi for once..."

"It would've been..." Aaron solemnly said. Fennec then walked up to Jayden. Fennec knew her daughter's secret ever since her Jedi training back on Ti'kal. Fennec knew that Jayden Visa had feelings for Connor Jade Terranove.

"Jayden, we need to talk in private." Fennec said as both her and Jayden walked deeper into the base.

"What do you need?" Jayden said as they stopped near the medical bay.

"I wonder where this is going..." Aaron whispered in Draco's ear. Draco shrugged. Aaron and Draco saw AM-76 roll toward and follow the two Jedi.

"You do know that Jedi must not have any emotional attachments to anyone, do you not?" Fennec said. Jayden felt confused. Was this part of her training? Possible motivation? Or did Fennec know a deep and dark secret of Jayden's.

"Excuse me, but what are you talking about?" Jayden said. "You think I have a boyfriend or something? Because I don't!"

"It's not that." Fennec said. "You have feelings for Connor, I could sense it during your training on Ti'kal." Jayden gulps her saliva down her throat, her heart felt as it had skipped a beat, her face turned blood-red as she began to sweat. A moment later, a somewhat recovered Connor woke up in one of the medical beds, confused. He walked out of the medical room to see Fennec facepalming as Jayden realized he had heard their entire conversation.

"Whoa! Master Fennec! You're here!" Connor said as he processed the conversation through his head, he then looked at Jayden. "Y-You have feelings for me? Don't you Jayden?" he said.

"N-No? Wha-What gives you that idea?!" Jayden said, nervously walking up to Connor.

Fennec sighed. "Just say it..." she said. Jayden looks at Connor and bites her lip, she looks back at Fennec, who had her arms folded. Jayden sighed as she began to reveal the truth.

"Yes..." Jayden whispered.

"I'm sorry. What was that?!" Fennec said, suprised. AM-76 looked at Connor, then at Fennec, and finally at Jayden, beeping in confusion.

"YES! OKAY! I DO!" Jayden said before she sighed again. "I have never felt this feeling since becoming a hermit on Quasar, I felt that not being able to see my mother, Master Skywalker, Ben, and all of the other Jedi I had become friends with... Almost drove me insane! But when I saw Connor collapse on the ground in Quasar City, everything changed..." Jayden sighed again. "I think it's safe to say that, Connor... I love you."

"I-I feel like... that I felt the same way since we met. I-I love you too Jayden." Connor said. Jayden put her hands on Connor's cheeks and kissed him on the lips. Connor felt surprised at first, but he went along with it. Fennec sighed and facepalmed as she watched them kiss. However, AM-76 beeped happily and rolled around in circles around Connor and Jayden. This was a sort of a 'Congratulations!' for them. After Connor and Jayden finished kissing, they embraced each other. A few Resistance troopers saw this all happen and they smiled.

"Good job kids. Good job." one of the Resistance troopers said,

Draco looked through his electrobinoculars as he saw an Upsilon-class command shuttle land on the ground. a man with pale skin, black hair, and grey robes walked out alongside two First Order Stormtroopers. It was Cantor coming to kill the Resistance once and for all, and seduce Jayden Visa to the dark side.

"It's Cantor! He's coming..." Draco said as he removed his electrobinoculars from his eyes.

"What do we do?" Aaron said.

"Um, how about we ask the Jedi over there. There is a possibility that she could help." C-3PO said out of nowhere.

"Good thinking Threepio!" Leia said. Draco, Aaron, Leia, and C-3PO ran toward Connor and Jayden, who had previously shared a passionate kiss, embracing.

"Cantor's coming! Hug later?" Draco said. Connor and Jayden seemed confused.

"What you mean by 'Cantor's coming?'" Connor asked. "If Cantor was on that Star Destroyer, shouldn't he had died when it exploded.

"He must've escaped." Aaron said. "We must hurry and think of a plan to escape this base!" Jayden turned to see Fennec looking at the horizon, watching cantor slowly walk toward the base.

"Jayden, we must go fight him!" Fennec said.

"Why do I have to fight him with you?" Jayden asked.

"I know what I have to do but I don't have the strength to do it alone. I'm getting too old for this stuff..." Fennec told Jayden. Fennec put her hand on Jayden's shoulder. "Will you help me?" Jayden looked at Connor, Draco, Aaron, Threepio, AM-76, and General Leia all looking at her.

"I will mum!" Jayden said. Connor put his and on her other shoulder.

"If that's what you think you should do, then go for it." Connor said before both him and Fennec removed their hands off of her shoulders. Fennec and Jayden nodded at each other before they walked out of the base, with every Resistance member watching, towards Cantor, as both mother and daughter, and master and apprentice. They were going to stall and distract Cantor so the Resistance could escape the base.

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