Chapter 23: Prelude of the Battle of Malu

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Every member of the Resistance was fixing and setting up supplies in the base. Draco and Aaron helped some Resistance workers get their holocomputers set up, while Jayden, AM-76, and Connor both helped and witness the pilots organize and repair their X-Wings.

Meanwhile, Kylo Ren's Resurgent-class Star Destroyer, the Finalizer, jumped out of hyperspace over the hellish planet of Malu. Kylo Ren stood facing the window of the command bridge, with both his hood and helmet over his head and a long and black cape over his back. General Armitage Hux walked towards him, ready to give out some news.

"Sir, We have scanned the planet's surface. We can confirm that the Jedi, Jayden Visa was there." Hux said. Kylo turned around so he could respond properly.

"Was there?" Kylo said. "Where is she now?"

"Well, um..." Hux said, nervously. "One of our TIE Bombers supposedly destroyed a small frieghter. It was the same ship that we have been looking for, the ship that belonged to the Shield Squadron, The Razor. This concludes that the Jedi, Jayden Visa, has been killed." Kylo agressively walked toward Hux. Multiple officers stopped their duties and saw what was going on. Was Kylo going to choke Hux just as Cantor and Blaze did to Lieutenant Reymar Anden? Instead, Kylo put his finger in Hux's face, he flinched in fear as he thought he was going to be killed. But no, instead he was spared. Hux sighed in relief as he realized he was okay.

"She isn't dead! I sense her presence on that planet." Kylo said.

"D-Do you know exactly where she is?" Hux asked.

"I do. Now, send some Forcetroopers to these coordinates." Kylo said. He handed Hux a flimsy metal card, with numbers written in Aurebesh. Hux began to question these orders.

"F-Forcetroopers? What are those?" Hux asked.

"I SAID NOW!!!" Kylo yelled. General Hux walked out of the command bridge, into the hallways, and into the main hangar bay. He walked up to a battalion of ten Forcetroopers and handed them the card.

"Land your transports on Malu. Find the Jedi with these coordinates. Now!" Hux said as he gave one of the Forcetroopers the card.

"Yes sir, General Hux!" one Forcetrooper said. All ten of them walked in their transport and flew off towards Malu.

As everyone finished fixing the ships and setting up supplies in the base, Draco and Aaron stood at the door of the base, scanning the environment for stuff. Aaron was looking through Draco's electrobinoculars, until he saw ten Forcetroopers in the far distance, walking in single file lines, with their white lightsabers activated and buzzing in their hands.

"What are those?..." Aaron mumbled. He handed the binoculars back to Draco, who then looked into them.

"What the h*ll?" Draco said, he turned around to see Jayden standing at the holotable, speaking with Leia, Ackbar, Holdo, Connor and C-3PO. "Jayden! Connor! You all gotta come see this!" Jayden and Connor ran from the holotable as Threepio spoke to them. They ran towards Draco and Aaron, wondering what was going on.

"What do you two need?" Connor asked, Draco handed Connor the binoculars.  "Are those Jedi troopers?" he continued as he looked through the device.

"Let me see that!" Jayden said as she snatched the binoculars out of Connor's hands.

"Hey!" Connor yelled. Jayden looked through the binoculars, her heart sank as she saw the Forcetroopers walking up to her. "Oh no! Oh no no no no no..."

"What?! What's going on?!" Draco asked.

"Those 'Jedi Troopers' that Connor was talking about" Jayden said as Aaron, Draco, and Connor nodded. "Those are Forcetroopers! They are tasked to find and execute any living Jedi at this time."

"I'm still calling them Jedi Troopers..." Connor mumbled to himself.

"Well then, shall we alert General Organa?" Aaron asked.

"I think we should." Jayden said. "Come on, let's go!" The four members of the Shield Squadron, as well as AM-76, ran toward Leia, screaming her title. Something was definitely off.

"What's going on?" Leia asked.

"The First Order have found us!" Connor said.

"Already? Oh my, I feel like we're all going to die!" C-3PO yelled, Leia looked at him angrily.

"Shut up Threepio!" Leia said.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Threepio said. Leia turned back to the Shield Squadron.

"And you were saying?" Leia said.

"So, The First Order has dispatched Forcetroopers to find me. And somehow, they stumbled on our base. They know that I'm here." Jayden said. "You need alert everyone." Leia got on a microphone that was linked to an intercom system to alert every person inside the Resistance base.

"ALL AIR PERSONNEL, EVACUATE THE BASE!!! ALL GROUND PERSONNEL! HIDE INSIDE OF THIS BASE!!!" Leia looked at Connor. "You're a pilot aren't you?" Leia said, Connor nodded. "Well then, I got a special X-Wing for you."

Connor walked toward the other X-Wings, he saw a brownish-green painted X-Wing in the corner. Connor knew that this X-Wing was for him.

"Leia, Thank you." Connor said as he got into his X-Wing. He looked at all the other Shield Squadron members. "May the Force be with you all. Always." Connor said as he got into his X-Wing and saluted his friends as he flew off into space. Jayden waved to him and smiled. However, no one knew that smile was a signal that she had feelings for him. She loved him.

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