Chapter 8: Starkiller Construction

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The planet of Ilum had been corrupted terribly ever since Darth Sidious rose to power and gave birth to the Galactic Empire. Now, the snowy planet had become the origin point for the First Order's superweapon, Starkiller Base. There, technicians have been building a laser cannon in the large equatorial trench that went through the equator of the planet, which was built by the Empire themselves.

Kylo Ren had been standing at the edge of the trench, witnessing the construction of the laser cannon being built within the planet itself. That is until Kylo heard a voice that came from behind him.

"Don't you feel like you are imitating exactly what the old Empire did in the past with the Death Star?" That was the voice of Cantor. One of Kylo Ren's assistants, who was also studying the religion of the Sith. Cantor was also one of Supreme Leader Snoke's apprentices.

"I must finish what my grandfather started..." Kylo mumbled, Cantor couldn't understand what Kylo had said due to the vocoder in his mask that modulated his voice.

"What did you say?" Cantor asked. Kylo Ren turned around and walked toward Cantor.

"I must finish what my grandfather started!" Kylo repeated, albeit with a more angrier and concerned tone in his voice. Cantor started to feel unnerved due to Kylo getting angry with him, If he had been serving the Galactic Empire decades ago, Darth Vader most likely would've choked him.

"I-Is the Starkiller operational yet?" Cantor asked. Kylo turned back around and walked toward the edge of the trench.

"Why don't you come and take a look." Kylo said. Cantor followed him and stood next to him.

"It's not finished but it does seem to be operational enough to almost destroy an entire planet." Kylo said. "That being said, we must test this superweapon on the planet of Quasar.

"Is this because of the Jedi, Jayden Visa?" Cantor said.

"And ARN-5506, The stormtrooper who betrayed us and has crashed on this planet." Kylo added.

"We can finally put an end to the Jedi and that traitorous Stormtrooper!" Cantor said. Kylo then removed his helmet, revealing a young man with long black hair. He dropped his helmet on the snowy ground.

"This will be a day that will be long remembered. Our names will be spoken long after we are dust. This is history in the making!" Kylo said with the tone in his voice rising after every sentence. " THIS WILL BE THE FALL OF THE JEDI!!!" he yelled. 

"We must halt the construction of the Starkiller so we can test the weapon." Cantor said. "I must tell all of the technicians at once!" Cantor walked away, Kylo watched him.

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