Chapter 16: Jedi Training

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Jayden Visa was training in a cave with multiple Marksman-H training remotes, which were floating in midair. Jayden had her jacket off, as well as her bandolier. She also had her hair up in a ponytail and carried a stick in her hands over her head. She closed her eyes, waiting to attack the idle remotes. Jayden launched forwards, attacking the training remotes, they began shooting at her, But Jayden stabbed them, smacked them with the stick, knocked them to the ground, and crushed them on the walls of the cave.

Connor and Aaron watched in amusement. Fennec stood in the corner, impressed.

"Impressive. Most impressive." Fennec said. 

A few minutes later, It was time for another part of Jayden's training, lightsaber combat.

"Lesson Two. Lightsaber combat." Fennec said. "Either Connor or Aaron will be training you." Fennec said, she looked at Connor. "Are you up for this?"

"I've never held a lightsaber before." Connor said. Fennec then looked at Aaron.

"Are you up for this Aaron?" she said.

"Although I've never fenced with a lightsaber, I have used similar weapons during my time with the First Order. So, I am honored to train with Jayden." Aaron said as he stood up.

"Very well then." Fennec said. She unhooked her lightsaber from her belt and threw it at Aaron, who caught the weapon. Aaron inspected and studied its hilt before he activated it, revealing a green blade. Jayden activated her lightsaber, revealing a sky blue blade. They got into their ready stances for a few moments, Jayden then launched forward, attacking Aaron. He blocked high, blocked low, and repeated. They slashed the walls of the cave. Connor watched, amused. Jayden knocked the lightsaber out of Aaron's hands kicked him to the ground and then pointed her lightsaber at his neck.

"And that's your head!" Jayden said, with a victorious tone in her voice.

"Practice with Connor now!" Fennec said as she grabbed her lightsaber off of the ground and threw it at Connor, who caught the the elegant weapon and activated it. Just like Aaron, Connor got in his ready stance, Jayden did as well. Jayden launched forward just like last time, except that this fight goes on much shorter than last time. The only clash blades twice before Connor kicks Jayden to the ground, pointing the lightsaber at her neck.

"And that's your head!" Connor said. Aaron stood up and expressed his anger.

"Hey, not fair! I have used weapons similar to lightsabers! And somehow Connor is better than me?!" Aaron yelled. Fennec looked at Jayden.

"Were you going easy on him?" Fennec asked calmly.

"No, Mum! I wasn't!" Jayden said. 'Maybe it was just-"

"Beginner's luck?" Connor said.

"Yeah," Jayden said, deactivating her lightsaber. "I guess you could say that..." Connor deactivated the lightsaber and handed it back to Fennec. 

"Here." Connor said, before sitting back down next to Aaron. Fennec then looked at Jayden.

"Jayden, we need to talk in private right now." Fennec said. Jayden followed Fennec outside.

Jayden and Fennec walked towards the cliff of the mountain, It was almost sunset. It was clear to Jayden that this was going to be a lecture.

"Jayden, I know you weren't going easy on him." Fennec said. "You were just as aggressive with him as you were with Aaron."

"Yeah, but how did I beat him?" Jayden asked. Fennec sighed.

"I-I'm starting to think he has-" Fennec couldn't finish her sentence due to Jayden interrupted her.

"You think he has what?" Jayden asked. Fennec sighed again.

"Never mind..." Fennec said, she started to notice that it was almost nighttime on the planet. Fennec put her hand on Jayden's shoulder. 

"Why don't you get some rest, It's getting late." Fennec said. Jayden walked towards a small abandoned village that was nearby, Connor and Aaron came out of the cave and followed Jayden, also going to bed.

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