Chapter 19: Resistance

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Connor and Jayden headed toward the hallway, Draco and Aaron stood there, waiting for them. They both had a shocked expression on their faces.

"You two did see what Oberon and Shira just did, Right?" Draco said.

"We felt it." Connor said. "We didn't see it though."

"Well, that was very impressive!" Aaron said with a great amount of enthusiasm in his voice.

"Impressive?" Jayden said. " He just rammed the entire ship into a TIE Fighter! More like risky!" Jayden said.

"It was risky and impressive!" Aaron said.

Unexpectedly, the Razor was suddenly pulled out of hyperspace. Connor, Jayden, Aaron, and Draco ran towards the cockpit, with AM-76 rolling behind them. They were all confused about what just happened, has the First Order found them? Did they run out of fuel? They all had a lot of questions. However, Oberon and Shira knew what was happening, and it wasn't good.

"What just happened?" Jayden asked. She noticed that they were in the middle of a dark void of space, The only lights visible were the billions of stars in the distance.

"Coaxium levels are low!" Oberon said.

"What does that mean?" Jayden said.

"He means we're out of hyperfuel!" Shira said. Everyone looked at each other, they all were worried.

"So we're stuck in the middle of nowhere?" Connor yelled, panicking. 

The Shield Squadron then noticed an X-Wing jump out of hyperspace, followed by another one, and two transports, and a large ship that seemed to be the lead starfighter.

"It's the Resistance!" Connor yelled. Everyone aboard the Razor looked at the fleet. They all knew that help had arrived.

Aboard the Raddus, which was the lead freighter, Admiral Gial Ackbar noticed the Razor floating through the endless depths of space.

"General Leia Organa?" Ackbar said, Leia walked up towards him. "There seems to be a small freighter in our scanners, smugglers by the look of it."

"They seem to be out of fuel..." Leia mumbled. "Pull them into the tractor beam." she continued as Ackbar activated the tractor beam, pulling the Razor in.

The Razor was being pulled into the Raddus, Oberon and Shira had no control of the ship, The Shield Squadron watched as they were being pulled into the hangar of the ship. As they exited the ship, they saw a golden protocol greeting them.

"Greetings! I am C-3PO, Human cyborg relations. I am fluent in over-" Draco put his hand over C-3PO's mouthpiece.

"Can we just shut Goldilocks up?" Draco said, he removed his hand from C-3PO's mouth.

"How rude!" Threepio said as he walked away. The Shield Squadron noticed a woman who seemed to be in her late forties to early fifties walking up to them. She had graying brown hair, and a green and purple uniform. This was General Leia Organa. Connor noticed her, he was shocked because he was just about to meet someone who was famous across the galaxy.

"Y-You're General Leia Organa! THE General Leia Organa!" Connor said. 

"That's me." Leia said.

"I'M A HUGE FAN!" Connor continued. Jayden, who was standing next to him, rolled her eyes. She was clearly annoyed by Connor's excitement.

"You helped the Rebel Alliance destroy the Galactic Empire!" Connor said. "You killed Jabba the Hutt! You formed the Resistance!" he continued, annoying all of the Shield Squadron. "I cannot believe I am meeting you right now!" Connor said as he shook Leia's hand. Connor looked behind him to see Draco, Oberon, Jayden, Aaron, and even AM-76 all giving him odd looks.

"Pardon me, but I'm Connor Jade Terranove. And that's J-Jayden V-Visa, Aaron Obyonek, Oberon Takin, Shira Daheli, Draco Frierza, and this," Connor pointed to his droid. "That is AM-76, my droid." Leia gave him an odd look.

"Are you the captain?" Leia said.

"No but-" Connor said, before being interrupted

"I am!" Oberon said, Leia then looked at Jayden.

"You must be Jayden Visa, The last of the Jedi." she said. "You do know that I was a friend of your mother, Fennec Visa."

"Yeah, I know. She told me about you, That you fought with her in the Galactic Civil War." Jayden said, Leia then turned around.

"Follow me." Leia said. "I have a special mission for all of you." The Shield Squadron followed Leia into a briefing room. Multiple Resistance officers, mechanics, leadership, and militia were present. It was clear that a meeting was about to go on. But what it was about, however, was unclear.

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