Chapter 15: Ti'kal

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The Razor jumped out of hyperspace, arriving on the ancient planet of Ti'kal. The ship landed in a secluded and wet rainforest, trees were blowing, and small animal creatures and insects began to run away from the Razor as it landed. Once the starfighter landed, All members of the Shield Squadron came out of the ship, with Jayden Visa leading them. Jayden then looked at a large mountain in the distance, she knew that the mountain contained a Jedi Temple and that was where Fennec was, she knew it. Jayden looked back at the rest of the crew, who were following her, as she turned around, facing them.

"Alright Shield Squadron!" Jayden said as if she were the leader, which she wasn't. "I got a very important mission to follow. I don't want any of you to try to follow me! Got it?" Everybody nodded. Draco leaned into Connor's ear and began to whisper.

"She isn't the leader. Why is she giving us orders?" Draco whispered. Connor shrugged his shoulders.

"Ya know, I actually want to follow her." Connor said.

"Why?" Draco said.

"Just because." Connor said.

"Wait! She said not to-" Aaron Obyonek couldn't finish that sentence because both him and Draco saw Connor run towards Jayden, who was heading away from the rainforest, she was heading to the mountain. Aaron looked at Oberon and Shira, who were heading into the ship, then at Draco, who was following Oberon and Shira. Aaron didn't feel like waiting for Connor and Jayden to get back, so he decided to run towards both of them. Both Connor and Jayden looked like they both were miles ahead.

"Connor, Why are you following me?!" Jayden said as she looked back at Connor. "I told you to wait on the ship!"

"You did. But I wanted to meet Fennec as well. Maybe she can train me to use the Force and I can become a Jedi!" Connor said. Jayden grabbed his shoulder and pushed him to a tree.

"That's not how the Force works!" Jayden said, making Connor look and feel like an idiot. "Just go back to the ship!" Jayden continued. Connor decided to go back to the ship, until he saw Aaron running towards them. He looked out of breath and tired. Jayden realized that there was no turning back now, and that Connor and Aaron could come with her to meet with her mother.

"On second thought, Just follow me!" Jayden said as she turned back around, heading towards the mountain, Connor and Aaron followed.

The trio has been traveling up the mountain's train for what felt like days. However, it has only been about half of a day on Ti'kal since they started traveling. Connor and Aaron both were out of breath and they felt dehydrated, Jayden didn't feel tired, hungry, or dehydrated at all, she kept walking and walking. Jayden looked back at Connor and Aaron, who were falling behind her.

"What are you two doing?" Jayden said. "My mum should be just up ahead!"

"Y-yeah..." Connor panted, out of breath. "I-I know..." Aaron was panting as well.

"Keep moving!" Jayden said.

The trio traveled only for only about a few more minutes. They traveled over a rickety and unstable bridge, Before arriving at the Jedi Temple, which was built inside of another nearby mountain. Jayden went in the temple first, Connor and Aaron behind her. Once Jayden walked inside, she saw a hooded figure with tan Jedi robes, this person was meditating. Jayden immediately knew that this was her mother, Fennec Visa. The figure stood up and removed her hood, revealing an elderly woman with brown but graying hair. This was indeed Fennec.

"Mum?" Jayden said, with a tear streaming down her eye.

"Jayden..." Fennec said. "I've missed you!" Both Jayden and Fennec embraced each other. Connor and Aaron looked at each other and then back at Jayden and Fennec. However, Fennec knew something was off.

"Where's Aura? and who are those two boys?" Fennec said.

"Connor Jade Terranove, Republic Pilot!" Connor said.

"Aaron Obyonek, Defected Stormtrooper!" Aaron said. Fennec waved to them. And then looked back at Jayden, who had something to say.

"About Aura..." Jayden said, with a sad tone in her voice. Fennec knew something was wrong. Had Aura been killed? Had Aura turned to the dark side and betrayed Jayden?

"Aura... betrayed me..." Jayden said. "About a few weeks after Master Luke's temple was destroyed, she turned me into the First Order and they captured me and they put me in a prison on Kuro for two whole long months!" Jayden said with a tear streaming down her cheek. Fennec could feel the pain, anger and sadness all in her voice.

"Calm down Jayden!" Fennec said. Jayden calmed down, albeit slightly.

"Do I need to finish my Jedi Training?" Jayden said as if she were about to cry.

"Follow me." Fennec said, she then looked at Connor and Aaron. "Both of you two as well." Connor and Aaron began to follow Fennec and Jayden out of the temple and into a nearby cave.

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