Chapter 4: Lost in the Desert

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Connor Jade Terranove had died! Or at least that's what he thought happened. Connor had woken up in his destroyed X-Wing, he had no clue on how long he was unconscious for. The last thing he could remember was being hit by a Star Destroyer cannon and crashing on a desert planet. Both his pilot suit and the cockpit of his X-Wing were filled with sand. 

But as soon as he woke up, he tried to open the cockpit. 

Nothing happened.

He pressed a few button to start the ship's engine.

Nothing happened.

Everything inside the X-Wing had been filled with sand. Connor had lost all hope of surviving, he knew that within the next few days, he would soon die of heat, hunger, thirst, and exhaustion. He then leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes, ready to accept his eventual death. Until he heard some muffled childlike laughter, Connor saw 2 children, running up to his crippled X-Wing and throwing rocks at it.

"Hey! Keep doing that and get me outta here, Will ya?" Connor told them. However, the kids could not hear him good, but they heard him loud enough that they understood what he said.

But for some reason, they stopped throwing rocks and ran up to the X-Wing and successfully lifted the cockpit window up. freeing Connor. they grabbed Connor's hand and pulled him out.

"Great job kids." Connor said before he decieded to walk away, until the kids had heard a muffled noise that consisted of clicks and beeps. the kids ran toward the wreck as Connor followed them to see what they were pulling out of the wreck. It was a droid with red, white, and blue coloring, a spherical body and a dome-like head.

"Woah! Is this a real astro droid?" one of the kids said.

"Yes, and AM-76 belongs to me!" Connor told them. The kids looked confused until they saw Connor's green flight suit.

"Are you a real Republic pilot?" the other kid said.

"Yep, now can I please have my droid back? Please?" Connor said. The kids ended up giving Connor his droid back.

"Thank you." he said.

"You're welcome!" both of the kids yelled as Connor walked off into the distance, with AM-76 following him.

Connor had been walking through the sand without rest for hours! It was almost sundown and Connor's boots felt like they were about to wear out. He was exhausted. Connor's  andflight suit, gloves, and hair were filled with sand and sweat. AM-76 also had sand in his mechanisms. Connor then noticed a large city, almost entirely made from sandstone. This was Quasar City, an ancient city that has been standing on the planet for millennia.

"AM-76, let's head into that city over there!" Connor said.

AM-76 chirped in agreement. Connor began running towards the city, with his droid rolling behind him. He felt thirsty from walking through the rough sand for hours. Connor saw a stand with some civilians selling stuff, including water and other beverages.

"Water! Do you have water?!" Connor asked a civilian, he was an Abenedo, similar to the Resistance pilot Ello Asty.

"No, Not for you!" the civilian said.

"Please?!" Connor asked. The civilian ignored him and went back to his duties. So Connor tried asking other civilians, but he got similar responses. Connor then started to feel lightheaded, he was dehydrated. His vision began to get blurry, he felt dizzy, until he suddenly collapsed on the ground and fell unconscious. AM-76 rolled up to him and began tugging at him, seeing if he would wake up. But there was no response.

Someone approached Connor's body. It was a teenage female, she had brown hair, and she wore a gray robe with a brown jacket over it, and grey leggings with brown boots. The girl picked Connor up and walked out of the city. 

AM-76 was curious on what this mysterious girl was doing, Is she a Jedi? Is she a spy who's working for the First Order? Or is she a civilian who is going to care for Connor until he recovers? Nevertheless, AM-76 followed her out of curiosity.

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