Chapter 14: The Map

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Connor sat on the bed, with Jayden next to him. She pulled out the small microchip out of her pocket and showed it to Connor.

"Whoa? What is this?" Connor said, as he grabbed the microchip.

"I-I think it's a map." Jayden said.

"To where?" Connor asked.

"To find my mother, Fennec Visa." Jayden said. Connor felt confused, Jayden never told him that her mother was still alive, Connor had always assumed that she was an orphan.

"Your mother is still alive?" Connor asked. Jayden looked at him, angrily. But she shrugged off what Connor had said to her a few seconds later.

"I'm sorry about that." Connor said. "Anyways, Who was your mother? You've never really told me who she was." Connor said.

"My mother, Fennec Visa, trained as a Jedi during the time of  the Clone Wars. She stopped being a Jedi and closed herself off from the Force after Order 66." Jayden said, "She joined the Rebel Alliance and became good friends with Leia Organa, and helped Luke Skywalker rebuild the Jedi Order, which I was in until it collapsed. And then both Luke and my mother went into hiding."

"She knew General Leia and Luke Skywalker?!" Connor said.

"Indeed she did." Jayden said. "Anyways, this map is supposed to lead to the planet of Ti'kal, where my mother resides." Jayden continued.

"Ti'kal? Never heard of that place." Connor said. Jayden felt as if nobody had heard of that planet, which she hadn't either. Ti'kal was a forgotten planet at the edge of the Unknown Regions, Which is why Fennec may have decided to live there, a forgotten planet where the First Order will never find her.

"Nobody has in over a millennium! Ti'kal was the site of one of the first Jedi Temples, which maybe my mother may have went to go look for." Jayden said. "This is since there were rumors going around that Luke Skywalker have also gone to look for another one of the first Jedi temples."

"If she is in exile, maybe she was finding the temple to destroy it?" Connor said.

"Possibly." Jayden said. Connor knew that that everyone else on the ship had to know about this. Connor got off of the bed and stood up.

"Why don't we go tell the others?" Connor said. Jayden got up from the bed as well.

"Good idea." Jayden said. Connor and Jayden walked out of her room and into the main living area.

"What were you all doing in there?" Draco said, still sitting at the holochess table. Connor showed him the microchip that Jayden showed him.

"What do we do with this?" Draco said.

"It's a map." Jayden said. "We are supposed to find my mother, who is a Jedi in exile, with this." She turned towards Connor and handed the map to him. "Put that microchip inside AM-76, now!" Jayden continued.

"Got it!" Connor said. He ran towards AM-76, who opened up a slot which was big enough to fit the chip inside of the small droid, Connor put the microchip in AM-76. The droid closed the slot as it rolled back and projected a map all across the ship. 

Aaron Obyonek got up from the corner and walked towards the large holographic map. Oberon and Shira walked into the main living quarters, baffled about what everyone was doing.

"Whoa!" Aaron said, astonished.

"What the heck is this?" Shira said, confused.

"Supposedly, Jayden has found a map to her mother?" Draco said, also baffled about what was going on. Oberon and Shira looked at the map then at Jayden

"Where did you get that map?" Oberon said. Jayden didn't know how to tell them, they wouldn't believe how she got it. But Jayden told them the truth anyway.

"I had this Force vision. I spoke with my mother, who I thought was dead at first but then..." Jayden said, she couldn't continue her sentence because it already sounded too far fetched to Oberon and Shira. Jayden sighed. "I-It's hard to explain!" she said.

"Are we following this map now?" Aaron said.

"I guess so." Jayden said. Both Oberon and Shira began to feel confused.

"Wait! We just jumped out of hyperspace to go to Hosnian Prime and tell the New Republic about what happened to Quasar!" Oberon said. "Then they may inform the Resistance and we could do something about it, That is if the First Order is responsible for blowing the planet up." The Razor was just above the city planet of Hosnian Prime.

"Now you tell us?" Jayden said. Both Oberon and Shira cringed as Aaron facepalmed. Jayden looked behind her and saw Draco and Connor studying the map.

"How are you two holding up?" Jayden said.

"I think we got the map memorized!" Connor said.

"So we can get there now?" Aaron said.

"Yeah, I think so!" Connor said. Jayden turned her head and looked at both Oberon and Shira.

"Set course for Ti'kal." Jayden told them. Oberon and Shira ran towards the cockpit. Jayden, Aaron, Connor, and Draco all sat at the holochess table as Oberon and Shira began to pilot the ship out of the Hosnian System and they jumped to hyperspace. Heading towards the remote planet of Ti'kal.

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