Chapter 25: The Battle of Malu

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Jayden, Draco, Aaron, and the rest of the Resistance had been warding off and fighting against the First Order's Stormtroopers for a while now. There were multiple casualties of both Stormtroopers and Resistance Troopers. There was an all-out war between the Resistance and the First Order. However, it was unclear which side would win the battle on the surface. 

But in space, it seemed that the Resistance were losing this intense battle. Multiple Resistance Bombers, X-Wings, Y-Wings, and A-Wings were all being destroyed by TIE Fighters. However, It did get a whole lot worse once Kylo Ren deployed his TIE Silencer into battle.

"It's Kylo Ren..." Connor said. "Red Leader, What do we do?" The Red Leader, Victor Ringbey, did not hesistate. Victor sped his X-Wing towards Kylo's starship, firing at it, missing every shot due to Kylo moving his TIE. He was dodging every shot Victor fired.

"RED LEADER! WATCH OUT!" Connor yelled.

"I'm hit!" Victor Ringbey said as Kylo destroyed his X-Wing.

"Oh, I have a bad feeling about this..." one of the pilots, Jano Reneau, said before getting his X-Wing shot down.

"New kid, what do we do?" a female pilot, Latyl Benuss, asked Connor. Her A-Wing was also shot down.

"We're being overwhelmed! What do we do?!" Me'evo, a Rodian pilot, said. His X-Wing was spared and didn't get shot down. Connor felt overwhelmed as he heard more cries of help and pilots' screams of pain as more and more pilots were lost. Until all that remained were Connor, Me'evo, some of the Resistance Bombers, and a few other pilots.

"I-I'm sorry... Kylo's too powerful!" Connor said as a tear streamed down his cheek. He began to  turn his X-Wing around. He was wanting to land on Malu and join Jayden, Aaron and Draco in their strike team. "It's just-" he continued, before hearing multiple starships jump out of hyperspace. Every X-Wing and TIE Fighter pilots stopped battling as they saw a fleet of starships jump out of hyperspace. They seemed to be a combination of both more Resistance and First Order reinforcements. But no, This was the New Republic.

"It's the Republic..." Connor muttered.

"Lock X-Foils in attack position and bomb those ships!" Captain Wedge Antilles said as all Republic X-Wing pilots followed his orders and sped toward the First Order's fleet.

"Captain Antilles! You came back for me!" Connor said through the speaker in his X-Wing.

"I didn't come back for you, Mr. Terranove. I came to aid the Resistance in this battle." Wedge said. "And also, why are you here with the Resistance?"

"Long story, I will tell you next time we see each other again." Connor responded.

The Republic Forces began bombing multiple Star Destroyers, including the Finalizer. General Armitage Hux watched from the main control bridge as the Republic's forces bombed the Star Destroyer, attempting to destroy it.

"General, shall we retreat?" a First Order officer asked.

"No, deploy more reinforcements." Hux said. More TIE Fighters came out of the Finalizer's hangar. Kylo Ren appeared in front of them, leading the TIE Fighters.

"Follow my lead!" Kylo told the pilots. The TIEs began to destroy both multiple Resistance and Republic fighters.

"They got reinforcements..." Commander Poe Dameron said, "Captain Antilles, What do we do now?"

"There's too many of them! We have to retr-" Captain Antilles' message was cut short by Connor interrupting him.

"NO! There's no turning back now! We have to press the attack!" Connor said, hanging up his speaker, removing his helmet, and sitting back in the cockpit of his X-Wing.

"Captain Antilles, Commander Dameron, I hope you can forgive me for what I'm about to do." Connor said. He flew his X-Wing toward the Finalizer, somehow avoiding all blaster fire from TIE Fighters.

"That kid's insane! What is he doing?" Poe said.

"He's pulled off these stunts before. And I am not fond of them." Wedge said.

Once Connor got what he thought was close enough to the Finalizer. He fired two proton torpedoes at the large Star Destroyer. But all of the sudden, the torpedoes both exploded prematurely. Thanks to a TIE Fighter who blew up the torpedoes before they could get close enough to the Finalizer to destroy the ship. The premature blast caused Connor's X-Wing to go flying, as well as Kylo Ren's TIE Silencer. Kylo went flying into distant space, while Connor was headed straight for Malu.

"CONNOR!" Wedge yelled, Poe Dameron watched in shock as Connor's X-Wing was heading for the scorching lava planet. Wedge tried to get on his speaker, attempting to contact Connor.

"Connor Jade Terranove! Can you hear me?" Wedge said.

No response.

"CONNOR JADE TERRAVOVE! CAN YOU HEAR ME?!" Wedge yelled and repeated.

Still no response. Wedge sighed as he accepted that Connor may be dead or about to die.

Connor was, in fact, still alive. His X-Wing was disabled and plummeting down to the scorching hot planet. He pressed a few buttons to activate the ship. Nothing happened. AM-76 wailed mechanically as they eventually crashed near a lava lake near the Resistance Base. Once Connor climbed out of the destroyed X-Wing, he noticed that AM-76 was also badly damaged, almost destroyed. Connor felt burned and badly bruised as he climbed out of the X-Wing. He then collapsed onto the ground as soon as he got out of what was left of the cockpit.

"Not again... This is Quasar all over again..." Connor said, before blacking out, unconscious.

Jayden Visa ran towards this wreck of what once was Connor's X-Wing, in flames and badly scorched. She noticed Connor lying on the ground, unconscious. She also noticed a badly damaged and deactivated AM-76. She ripped the dead and burned shell of AM-76 and ripped the programming out of it. She did that because the shell was too badly damaged to fix up, so it had to get a new and improved body. Jayden then picked Connor up and whispered, "I love you..." He didn't know if he heard her, but it was most likely that he didn't. Nevertheless, She ran towards the base, running with Connor in her arms, attempting to avoid any Stormtrooper blaster fire that she could while running towards the base. Connor didn't need to fight. He had to recover.

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