7; rain

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Sana shivered as the rain continuously heaved down on her, and her teeth clattered like the sound of falling skeletons. She held herself in her arms and closed her eyes, wishing that she could be in a warm place again.

All she felt was the pouring of the cold rain as it touched her skin, falling down like a waterfall. Her clothes were soaked, and her shoes were squelchy.

But what could she do?

Her phone was dead, and she had no house keys.  She leaned on the wet doorstep as the rain kept on hitting her face, but she didn't even flinch.

"It's okay. The rain feels refreshing. It feels nice." She told herself as she took a deep breath in. "It feels-"

Then the rain stopped.

No, it didn't stop, she could still hear the sound of rain splashing on the ground.

Bu the rain stopped hitting her face. She opened her eyes to see a clear umbrella above her, blocking the water.

"You're gonna get sick."

Sana looked up to see the cold face of Tzuyu, holding the umbrella for her.

"Ah, thanks." Sana sniffled as her nose became blocked. Tzuyu handed Sana her coat.

"You'd better wear this. You're gonna get hypothermia if you don't hurry up."

"Where are we going?"

Tzuyu grabbed Sana's wrist and dragged her along.

"My apartment. You don't seem to know how to open your house, so I'll let you in mine. You owe me again, big time."

"Th-thanks." Sana shivered.


Tzuyu's apartment was the same as Sana had last remembered.

It still looked as luxurious as ever.

Tzuyu lay a towel on the sofa as Sana sat down on it.

"Wait here." Tzuyu locked eyes with Sana. "I'll get you some clothes."

Sana nodded.

She shivered as she waited, watching for the door of the Taiwanese's door to open again.

"Achoo!" She sneezed. "Agh, I think I'm becoming sick."

Her voice became nasally as she rubbed her nose, her throat becoming sore and her lips turning blue. Her head was starting to get hot, but she couldn't feel that. All she felt was cold, cold, and more cold.

Suddenly her vision began to falter. Everything became a blur. The TV wasn't speaking properly more, it was as if it was speaking in gibberish. Sana couldn't lift her arms up.

"H-help." She squeaked. "Help."


- Tzuyu -

Her body became limp as it crashed down onto the sofa. I watched helplessly, afraid to move.

My mind wasn't working, I was frozen. I stood there in shock with my eyes opened wide, and my hands stuck in one position.

Then my mind clicked together, and I realised I had to do something.

My arms shook as I ran towards her, trying to pull out my phone. My phone dropped and slid across the floor, and I struggled to pick it up.

"Hel-help!" I cried out. I ran to Sana and shook her. Her clothes were wet, but she was pale and her head was burning hot. "Sana, wake up. Hey!" I panicked.

I was panicking so much that I couldn't even type on my phone. I couldn't even hold my phone without my arms shaking.

Throwing my phone into my pocket, I carried Sana, and I ran down the stairs as her body lay limp in my arms.

"Stay alive, stay alive." I mumbled under my breath as I made my way to the car. I didn't exactly throw her, but I pushed her into the backseat and tucked her in a blanket.

I revved up the engine and began to drive out.

Through the mirror, I could see her body. It seemed lifeless. I shook my head and focused on driving, honking my horn when drivers wouldn't go fast enough (according to my standards anyways).

Which happened quite a lot.

Once we arrived at the hospital, I carried her into the emergency room and told the nurses what happened. They nodded and quickly dragged her away.

I could only hope that she would survive.


Sorry for this really short chapter. I needed to make it this short just so you could get a glimpse of what the different POVs would look like.

Is it good? Should I do more POVs as well as the main story?

- misomina

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