Weekend Of Fatherhood

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(Namjoon's POV)

Friday was easy, drop off Hayan at Nana Heart's and go to work. I hated working in the city but as a simple writer I had very little choice. Especially since the chief editor expected me to be at every meeting. The higher ups for the prestigious magazine I worked for had a nick name for me- BB, standing for Big Brain. I longed to write for myself, it was a dream of mine. I fancied the mysteries and thrillers and longed when I could write something so amazing. Of course I haven't written anything since Hayan was born. Not for lack of wanting to write, but rather for lack of time.

This was my first weekend alone with Hayan, it should be a breeze right? The morning started off fairly well. I was finally getting the hang of waking up every four hours and using the bottle warmer to warm her bottles for her, which she seemed to like. She wasn't spitting up as much anymore, and Nana Heart had mentioned that she'd slow down on that but to still be careful. I changed her and set her into her bassinet so I could make myself breakfast. Showering would be an issue I thought as I ate my toast, it was the only thing fast enough for me to eat so I wouldn't be leaving Hayan alone. To shower I decided it might be best to roll her bassinet into the hallway, leave the bathroom door open and just get into the tub and quickly wash my body, then shampoo and rinse my hair really quick.

The downside about this method was that I kept pausing every time she made a noise. Once she started to cry I knew I didn't have time to rinse all of the shampoo out of my hair, I also didn't have time to condition my hair or shave so I just quickly dried off and tended to her with my towel wrapped around my waist. I sighed and sat on the couch with her in my arms. She had stopped crying as soon as I held her to me. She seemed to like the contact, her little fingers moving across my chest. She was wiggling happily a bit and it made me smile. I kissed the top of her head gently and rubbed her back. She was the most perfect, precious thing and I found myself wondering how I got to be so lucky.

I laid down on the sofa, not caring if my wet hair was squished into the pillow as I laid with my little girl who was slowly falling asleep on my chest. I found myself closing my eyes and joining her in a mid morning nap.

I woke up to find her no longer in my arms and I began to panic. I only paused when I sat up and smelled something delicious coming from the kitchen. I re-tucked my towel and noticed Hayan was asleep in her bassinet, I moved into my kitchen to see Nana Hart putting something that smelled delicious on a plate. She turned and smiled brightly.

"Ah, you're awake." She said happily. "I came to check on you but no one answered and I heard little misss Hayan fussing. So I used that extra key you told me about and I came in. Sweetie, you should never sleep with a baby in your arms. You could have rolled over and she could have fallen on the floor." She stressed. I didn't even thing about that. I suddenly felt really bad and I think it showed.

"Don't worry about it too much, just remember from now on. Also never lay her on her tummy to sleep. And don't have anything in her bassinet with her. Babies can suffocate very easily." She informed. I nodded and tried not to feel bad but I just couldn't help to feel like I was failing.

"My granddaughter brought a bunch of extras from the luncheon she cooked for investors. So I thought I'd share some with you since I know you don't cook for yourself very often. And you need your strength to take care of that little one dear." She smiled and pushed the full plate of food towards me. I didn't know what any of this stuff was but it looked good, smelled amazing. I took a bite of the meat that resting on top of a bed of greens. I scooped up some of the greens with the next bite and I thought I'd been transported to heaven. It was delicious, I felt energized just from the two bites. The glazed chicken which is what I figured out it was after I took the first bite, was really good. It was moist, tender, and seasoned really well.

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