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(Y/N POV) One day after Joon landed in Paris

Ten more minutes of this... this torture.

"Three... Two... One..." Jace counted as he turned off the lights at Nan's

"Happy birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday Nana Heaaarrrtt, Happy Birthday to yoouuu!" We sang out as Jace brought out Nan's 70th birthday cake, lit with candles. She smiled brightly as Jace set it on the table in front of her. I'd cooked us dinner and made the cake. Jace and Mia came to celebrate and help me set up stuff. Nan had already opened her gifts, Jace got her a foot spa. He said his gram had one and she loved it so he figured he couldn't go wrong since it was already grandma approved.
Nan seemed to like it, she was eager to try it. Hayanie enjoyed her piece of cake, I made sure to take lots of pics so I could send them to Joon later. The birthday party was fun, a nice distraction from the fact that I was missing Joon and I'd been having trouble sleeping lately. I don't know why but something didn't feel right, I'd wake up in the middle of the night with this feeling. I was relying on coffee and energy drinks to keep me awake during the day.

"So are you heading back over to Joons?" Mia asked.

"Yeah. I need to get Hayanie cleaned up before bed." I replied.

"Cool, want me to come help? We can talk for a bit?" She offered.

"I don't need the help, but I could definitely use the talking." I sighed as I lifted Hayanie from the playpen she was playing in, Vanilla cake and chocolate frosting smeared all over her face. She certainly wasn't bothered by it at all though. Once we were ready we said our goodbyes and walked out of Nan's with Jace. He walked down to his car and waved at us as we headed next door.

Once we got inside I turned on the lights and set Hayanie down in her playpen in the living room so I could get her bath ready. Mia followed me into the bathroom and watched from the doorway as I got out Hayanie's little purple duck shaped bathtub made for little ones and stuck it in the bathtub to fill it up with water.

"What's the point of one of those?" Mia asked. "I mean you're putting her in the bathtub anyway." She commented.

"Because Hayanie is still to small to sit comfortably in the bathtub. Or safely in the bathtub. When she's three... fine but for now we use this thing that the lady at the baby place we usually go to said works great." I replied.

"Sounds like she was just trying to get you to spend more money." She rebutted.

"The woman has three kids of her own, she said she used one when they were all small. I trust her word, plus Hayanie really likes this purple duck. It's got a silly face and she likes it." I retorted as I stuck my tongue out at her while waiting for the water to get to where I wanted it.

"Babies are complicated." She said with a chuckle.

"Not as complicated as men." I smirked and looked back at her. She laughed and nodded in agreement. "That should be good enough." I spoke as I turned off the water. I stood up straight and headed out, Mia moved so I could get past her. Hayanie was giggling away until she saw me and Mia, then she wobbled a bit as she stood up and gripped the side of her playpen. She smiled brightly and reached out for me. I smiled and walked right up and picked her up and brought her over to the couch first.

"So how's it been being mommy? I mean you seem suited for it, not going to lie." Mia commented.

"I like it... I mean.. If all goes well maybe one day I can be her mommy. She seems to like me." I replied as I lifted Hayanie's shirt up over her head. She scrunched her nose up and smiled, then leaned forward, her head on my chest as she seemed to be giving me a hug. I smiled and patted her back gently as I undressed the rest of her. I laid her down on the couch to get her diaper off.

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