Chapter 68

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Willa's POV~

Huffing out a breath, I bite the tips of my nails anxiously as I stand in the corner of the training facility.

It's loud, very loud.

The surrounding music along with the crippling sound of bodies constantly clashing together is putting me on edge. I was told to jump in at any moment, but what if that moment is never?

Leaning my back against the wall, there's six separate spars happening all at once in front of me. My eyes glancing to each pair rapidly.

When I woke up from the sleep Greyson put me in, this was the last thing I expected to do today.

Supposedly, while I was out everyone had a group meeting. They believed that if we got together all of our warriors-or anyone that was willing-we could work on our fighting skills because of the threat of Bahee rising.

So now here we are. Sebastian and Grey walking around to each group assessing their mistakes before correcting them. Part of me wants to go train, to get better at defending myself. But the more compelling side is too scared, too anxious to leave this very corner.

Some people are training in their wolf form, and others in their human just based on what they think they should improve on more.

Though the more I think, I finally realize how long it's been since I've been a wolf and communicated with said wolf. The serums and drugs they gave me, really fucked everything up.

Plus, I'm afraid what will happen if I try to transform.

"You okay?"

Jumping slightly, I look up meeting my eyes with Greyson's. He's across the building, but I can still see his eyes looking at me before they glance to the sparring group he's assessing.

I bite my nail a little harder, my foot jittering in place. "Yeah I'm fine. Just watching everyone," I say.

He says something to the pair before looking back to me, his head cocking to the side. "Do you want to go somewhere else? I can have Koda take over for me."

"Koda is working on important things inside, I'm fine."

"If you're fine why can I see your leg jittering from here, or your nervous nail bites?" Instantly I stop my leg from its endless bouncing, and crossing my arms over my chest. "That's what I thought, we're going somewhere else."

He starts walking towards me, his eyes trained on my own. I groan, kicking off the wall. "No, no stop." I point my finger at him. "I'm not leaving, I-I'll jump in like you said. Give me someone to spar."

I hate being stubborn. Why couldn't I just accept that fact that I was freaking out and needed to leave?

Oh yeah, because someone told me that I was and now I want to defy them. It's great.

Though he doesn't stop, he just keeps walking towards me until he's right in front of me. He looks down to me, his eyebrow slightly rose. "You want to jump in?"

I nod, though I know I'd be more content standing in my corner.

His eyes finally narrow, mine following his lead. Challenging him.

"Fine," he says lowly.


"Hey everyone!" He yells turning around to address the rest. "Clear the floor! Sebastian you stay."


Glancing around Greyson's body I see everyone doing as their told. Sebastian in the middle with a confused look.

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