The Paranoia Leads To Terror

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Warning: Burglary, assault, and potential sexual assault are mentioned in this imagine. If these make you uncomfortable, please skip past this.


The sound of a door closing caused you to sit up in your bed. That night, the clock had just struck eight thirty, so you knew Michael would be arriving. In your white t-shirt and Dumbo shorts, you swung your socked feet over the edge of the bed. Once your feet hit the floor, you stood up and padded across the room. Today had been a busy day for Michael, so he hadn't been given the opportunity to call you at noon. You couldn't wait to greet him.

"Michael?" You called, walking out the door.

Making your way into the hallway, you listened for the sound of Michael's belongings dropping to the floor. However, when that sound never came, you grew concerned. Furrowing your eyebrows, you walked to the railing that led to the staircase. When you looked at the room below, you'd expected to see Michael walking in with a tired smile. Yet, he never came.

Becoming slightly anxious, you tried to arch over the railing and see into the other room. Hayvenhurst's structure, however, didn't allow you to see much from the top of the staircase. You were sure you heard the sound of someone coming into the house. Janet crossed your mind, but you shook off the thought, knowing she was out of town with Rene Elizondo. On top of that, you knew she would never leave you hanging like this. If she was home, you would've heard her loud, cheery voice greeting you from the foyer.

Michael could possibly be trying to scare you, but a gut feeling told you that he wasn't. In most cases, when Michael was messing around with you, he would go the extra mile by turning off all the lights and making strange noises throughout the house. The situation was meant to make you panic and scream before he would pop out in a fit of laughter. A smile tugged at your lips as Michael's smile crossed your mind. You missed him and wanted him with you at that moment. This situation, however, didn't seem like him at all. It wasn't necessarily scary, but it was eerie. Michael never went for eerie.

Acting slowly, you started to edge your way towards the curved staircase. However, an abrupt sound made you stop. You listened carefully, trying to confirm if you'd actually heard something. After a minute of waiting, you relaxed slightly.

"Did you actually hear something?" You heard a foreign voice speak, causing your heart to leap and your stomach to churn, "I didn't hear anything. Maybe you're hearing things, bro. You're paranoid because we're in Michael Jackson's house. Now, quit being a pussy and help me with this."

Your heart dropped when you came to realize your intuition was correct. There were intruders in your house. You placed your hand on your chest as you tried to even out your breathing. Many things crossed your mind at once.

How had they gotten in? Where was security? What did they have? How could you remain silent while dialing the police? What would happen if they found out you were home?

You were lucky that one of them seemed to have the other convinced that your yell was in his mind. However, you knew you didn't have an endless amount of time and needed to act fast. Backing away slowly, you edged yourself away from the railing and back into the hallway. You jumped as you heard the sounds of things being knocked over in the other room. With each step you took, you placed your foot on the floor with slow, gentle motions. The house wasn't the newest, so the fear of a floorboard creaking danced around in your mind. You placed your hands on your chest and held your promise ring, saying a silent prayer as you continued to inch away from the staircase.

The second voice began to speak. "Oi, Michael's got a girlfriend or something, doesn't he? Or is he married? Anyway, what if she's home? We can't get caught doing this, mate. This isn't some normal suburb house like last night. I'm not trying to go back in to that fucking place."

~THE IMAGINES - MICHAEL JACKSON~Where stories live. Discover now