Chapter Five: The Flea and the Acrobat II

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Jonathan enters the house; opening the door to find the most wonderful sight. Both of his parents sit on the couch, dangerously close to each other with drinks in hand. They both look up and scurry away from each other. They weren't doing anything appropriate but it almost felt like they were; based on the look on Jonathan's face.

Lonnie looks up, "Hey, kid."

He looks at them with a scrutinized and almost betrayed look, "What's going on?"

"Your dad's, uh, gonna stay here tonight. On the couch." Joyce gauges his reaction.

"Yeah, I'm here as long as you need me? How are you holding up?"

Jonathan doesn't answer him. Instead, he walks towards the tarp which covers the hole in the wall. He looks at it and turns around to his mother, "What happened?"

Lonnie answers for her, "Don't worry about that."

Jonathan draws closer to the two, "Mom....that thing you saw before, did it come back?"

She stares at her son with wide eyes and a gaping mouth as Lonnie speaks for her, "Jonathan, that's enough."

He looks towards his 'dad', "Can we talk? Alone?"


The two stand in Jonathan's room, body language screaming that they're having an argument.

Jonathan makes the first move, "You need to leave."

Lonnie replies defensively, "Look, I know you're upset. We all are. But you need to listen to me. Your mother is sick. Really sick."

"Yeah. Well, you being here, you're just making things worse, like always."



The older of the two point out in the direction of the living room, "She took down that wall with an ax. She said that Will was inside and that he's talking to her."

Jonathan nods his head seriously, not at all helping his case, "Yeah. Maybe he was."

"This isn't some kind of joke. Your mom was half frozen to death when I got here. Trembling, scared out of her mind. You come in here and you start feeding into her hallucinations or whatever the hell you want to call it, you're gonna push her right over the edge. You hear me?"

Jonathan stares at him, not daring to break eye contact. His eyes look watery but his gaze is intense and determined to win the argument.

Lonnie speaks again, "Look, I'm on your side. I'm here to help. I'm gonna make things better around here for all of us."

The younger scoffs, "Thank God you're here."

"Do me a favor. At the funeral tomorrow, just behave. If not for me, for your mother." He glances to the wall on his left where an Evil Dead poster hangs, "Take that down. It's inappropriate."

Jonathan watches as he leaves.


The leaves toss around in the autumn breeze as sunlight shines brightly onto the Wheeler residence. Inside, the two males of the house occupy Mike's room as Ted tightens the tie on Mike's neck.

"Ah! Dad, you're... you're choking me."

Ted exclaims in satisfaction when he finally gets it right, "Ah... there. It's supposed to be a little tight."

Eleven and Twelve (Percy Jackson and Stranger Things Crossover) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now